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I usually dont mention personal type of things a lot on social media
but today i just got my teeth pulled like two of them
im kinda down like physicaly right now
i just need to make sure the healing process
is done , my dentist told me to like do and
for the next week, its not bad, i can still draw but
mentally im just like in shock  
idk it just was a very scary thing
but just letting you know 



I love your work, so I'm happy to support you. Get well soon!


Dude! Are you okey? I mean...what happened, did you had an accident? Hope you get well very soon and I’m glad you are still working so hard as until now. You are the boss!


Scary, hope you get well soon


Hey man, don't worry about drawing stuff. Just recover, take a few days, or a week or whatever, or however long, and relax, and heal up!


Don't get a dry socket.

Von Hoefer

get well and recover :)

King Kirby

Yeah pulling teeth can get nasty, hope everything is well.

Frank Leo

take your time to heal and recover


Im also be getting my teeth pulled soon 😂 And Im scared XD


my back wisdom tooth was broken, and the another one needed to taken out, could not do root canals, so i never had a tooth pulled its scary cause you dont know what to expect my room mate years ago had some really bad problems had to be sedated like, partially sedated so i knew now thats what i was going to have thanks so much


im taking anti biotics now and am not allowed to sneez cause the sinus area was effected and i cant eat chewy stuff so i hope i get well w/o any trouble ^^/


thanks whats funny is im not even in any p ain right now and its been 22 hours since they did the oral surgery, so i hope it stays this way lol


Take your time and rest well :)