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Hi everyone!

I am happy to announce we just added new features to Premium Scene Phaser! Those of you who are Platinum Tier and above have access to it! You can get the Manifest URL for the install here.

So what are the new features?

There are 2 new ones! 

First, you can now see what phase you are currently on when you open up the Navigation submenu. The current phase is indicated by "*".

The second feature is, you can add an optional sound to be played when phases change. You can do that by going to into the Game Settings:

Selecting "Domille's Wondrous Works Scene Phaser"

And then checking the "Play sound when changing phase" and indicating the path to the sound.

And just a reminder, we do have a free version of Scene Phaser - it is fully functional, just doesn't have some additional bells and whistles that are nice to have, but not necessary for your game. You can see the Manifest URL for free Scene Phaser here

Hope you enjoy it!


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