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Hi everyone!

Happy June! I hope you are all doing well! I had a few days of much needed rest and I am hoping to be back in full swing. We have a bit of a bad air situation on the East coast, and my asthma has been acting up due to it, but we have pretty good air purifiers at home, so I am hoping it will be sufficient to stave off some of the worst effects.

As is the new tradition, I am including the theme poll for the month. I will pick 3-4 winning themes to release the maps for this month. I know a lot of you requested steampunk / clockwork maps for a while, so I am putting that one in the poll as well. I think I have some good ideas for maps in that theme in case it wins.

Annnnd I forgot to enable multiple choice.... Sorry folks! It won't let me update it.

As for the release schedule, this month should have all the usual with Foundry modules, encounters, an animated map, adventure posters, the bulk download access etc. As for the big paid releases, here are some rough dates for when I think they will be coming out:

June 12th

June 18th

June 24th

June 30th

If you are not yet a Patron, and you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me. In return, you gain access to a massive backlog of battle maps, foundry modules, encounters and more!


James P

Steampunk mage tech and Lovecraft combo would be great 👍

James P

Well they are all amazing and need to give you a little challenge 😀