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Hi everyone!

Now that we released a few Pathfinder encounters, I'd like to solicit your feedback. I have a feeling we may need to further tweak the Pathfinder encounters, even maybe find a Pathfinder consultant who can help us make the mechanics really good for the system.

Please let me know! I want to make sure we improve as we go. Thanks!



You’d definitely be aided by getting some help from someone who’s more familiar with the system. In the troll encounter you’ve called for both an investigation and a insight check, neither of which are skills in Pathfinder 2e.


Was trying to add some line returns to the post and sent it instead. Additionally, typically the source for various creatures eg. Bestiary 1 would be listed as would the encounter difficulty. So in the case of that encounter which is designed for level 3-5 It might say a Moderate encounter for a level 5 party or a severe encounter for a level 4. Party. Additionally it wasn’t entirely clear to me what was intended to be used as the stat block for the reanimated troll should that come to pass.


Looking over Before The Dawn to offer some notes. As this is "Suggested LvL 1-3", I'm going to base all my feedback off of a level 2 party. So this would be hard for a level 1 party and easy for a level 3 party. 1-Under "Shyragos: the Riven Saint's Shadow & Minions", it says Shyragos' minions are vulnerable to Radiant. PF2e doesn't have vulnerability (it has weakness, more on that later) and doesn't have radiant (it has positive). As the Zombie Shambler stat block already has weakness 5 to positive, you can leave out this note entirely. 2-Under "Preparation for the Assault", the first bullet point says the Shrine speaks to anyone with holy magic attunement. Revise to say "with the Divine spell list or access to the Lay on Hands focus spell". This will cover all divine casters as well as Champions and those who take the Blessed One archetype to get Lay on Hands. 3-Under "Preparation for the Assault", the second bullet point says make an investigation check. Investigation isn't a skill in PF2e. It's just a Perception check. 4-Under "Preparation for the Assault", the second and third bullet points call for a Perception ("Investigation") and Religion check. The average DC for a level 2 check is 16 (https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=554). We modify this check with +2 if the check is Hard and +5 if its Very Hard (https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=555). I recommend making the Perception check to learn Shyragos' name DC 16, and then making the Religion check a Very Hard check, so DC 21. That will make it so if the players succeed on the Perception check to learn Shyragos' name, their circumstance bonus offsets the Very Hard adjustment and returns it to an average check. Also note, adjust wording to say "circumstance bonus" to avoid confusion, as multiple circumstance bonuses don't stack with one another (https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=315). 5-Under "The Attack Comes", add a 4th Minion/Zombie Shambler. In PF2e, for a 4-person party, a Moderate encounter is worth 80 XP, a Severe encounter is worth 120 XP, and an Extreme encounter is worth 160 XP (https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=497). For a level 2 party, our standard, Shyragos is level 3 (60 XP) and the Minions are level -1 (15 XP). That totals to 105 XP, which is between Moderate and Severe. Add one more Minion and we get to exactly Severe, 120 XP. If we have a level 1 party playing hard-mode, Shyragos is worth 80 XP and each minion is worth 20 XP, which totals 160 XP which is exactly an Extreme encounter. And if we have a level 3 party playing easy-mode, Shyragos is worth 40 XP and each minion is worth 10 XP, which totals 80 XP which is exactly a Moderate encounter. 6-Under "Strength of the Dawn", #1 says undead suffer Disadvantage on attacks and saving throws. Disadvantage isn't a common mechanic in PF2e. It's called "Misfortune" (https://2e.aonprd.com/Traits.aspx?ID=110). I'd recommend instead making this a passive effect: All undead creatures have a circumstance penalty to their attack rolls, ACs, and saving throws equal to Dawn strength. So at 1, it's -1. At Dawn 3, it's -3. 7-Under "Strength of the Dawn", #2 and #3 say they take Radiant damage. Aside from the previous note about needing to be Positive damage, weakness in PF2e works different in PF2e than vulnerability in 5e. In 5e, vulnerability would double the 1d4 and 3d6, whereas in PF2e, just doing 1 Positive damage is enough to deal an additional X damage, where X is their weakness (https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=345). As such, I'd recommend making #2 simply 1 Positive damage (it will hit every zombie for 6 damage due to their weakness), and maybe make it so #3 hits all creatures on the board (even through the shadows for this one turn. The party could see dawn coming and whittle down enemies so the dawn wipes out a bunch at once!). Another note is that Positive damage doesn't hurt living things, so the PCs (if living) would be immune to this damage. For #3, you can say the Undead that start their turn there gain the Fleeing condition, which causes them to run until they are free and clear of the thing they are fleeing from (https://2e.aonprd.com/Conditions.aspx?ID=17). 8) Under "Duality of the Saint", there's not a lot of things I've seen that add variable modifiers, like +1d4 to attack rolls or saving throws. I recommend changing this to be comparable to a Bard's Inspire Courage (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=386) or Inspire Defense (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=387). If the party has a Bard, the Shrine can do the other effect. That's it! Hope this helps.


Excellent feedback! Thank you so much! I am going to go ahead and find a Pathfinder 2 consultant to help us with the mechanics.