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Hi everyone!

October is here, and so is my most favorite season of the year! If you are my Patrons, you already received my perk for this collab, but there are also tons of free content from others! So be sure to click through the whole host of all the folks that are a part of the Treats, No Tricks Collab

And if you are new here, your treat is right under this sentence!


To continue Treat, NO Tricking: The Nightmare Rider Statblock and Monster VTT Tokens!
Although the Nightmare Rider is typically an inhabitant of the dimension of dreams (or nightmares), it may also be something else: an exiled mortal wizard, an alien psychic or dream entity, or even a nightmare empowered and given independent life in some fashion.

And if you want, you can also check out the previous creator with their mighty treats: 


Rotten Roots - a Space Fantasy oneshot
"In this oneshot adventure, your party will roleplay as the crew aboard the Triumphant Treant, a specialist Living Ship that has its own awakened tree. During a mission to provide a local colony with breathable air, their awakened tree falls ill, and the air around them turns to poison.
In the bowels of their ship a portal opens and begins to spread blight across the roots of their the Triumphant Treant.

What could cause such a horrible affliction? Can they find out and cure their treant in time? Could this be part of a bigger plot to destroy all plant life? . In this oneshot you will find exciting opportunities for roleplay, new creatures, combat, and skill challenges. The oneshot should take around three hours of play overall, and can be used as a standalone oneshot adventure or as a side quest as part of a larger campaign.

With full colour maps, monster tokens, and an indepth pdf, you will have everything you need to run the adventure."




Very cool map! I'm usually pretty good with sensing directions, but this is gonna mess me up!

Isaac Minarik

I love and hate this so much