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Hi everyone!

Wanted to post a quick update here. I have been feeling really really tired lately. I have a suspicion that I may have developed long Covid since I was sick in June, and it is contributing to me feeling completely wiped. I am going to try and take a few days off to do nothing but rest and recharge. I have tons of content in queue for you though... so I keep going back and forth between wanting to sit down and post all of the things... and resting to ensure I can actually keep working... I think I am going to go ahead and rest though. 

I hope it's ok if I release all of the things a little later? There are several encounters, and Foundry packs that I already have sitting, pretty much ready, but still needing a couple of tweaks from me before the release. You will still be getting all of the content this month, it is all just going to come a little later.

Thanks everyone! Just wanted to ensure I keep you all in the loop about what's going on, and my apologies.


Ciara Jean Hatch

Please take a break. You deserve it. ❤️ We'll be right here where you left us. No biggie.


Hope you start feeling better!