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Hi everyone!

I wanted to release the next big map pack tonight, but I just think it needs more work. I am going to give it another day, because I think that this upcoming map has a lot of potential, it just needs some more love from me. In the meantime, I figured I'd release this encounter for you all. I think Ulysses did an awesome job with it. My favorite part of it is the lair action where the old lady throws a bucket of soapy water on the party!

The original master post for the Drawbridge phased map is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/drawbridge-map-65230295

And here's a quick reminder, just in case you wanted to use one of these phased battle maps on Roll20, and not sure how to: you can just go to the map layer, and put the phased maps, from last phase to first, on top of each other. Then when it is time to get to a new phase, you can simply right click the top layer and then click "Send to Back".

If you are a Foundry user, I have Scene Phaser on my Patreon, with both a free and a premium version that makes it super easy for you to use phased maps in Foundry!

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If you like my work, please consider supporting me by signing up to one of my Patreon tiers.

I release the majority of my content for free, and the only reason I can do this for the community is the support of my Patrons.



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