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Hi everyone!

We have yet another encounter ready for you! I think Ulysses (one of the writers who currently works on my encounters) did an awesome job on this one! Hopefully it makes it a little easier for you to wrap your head around running the Boss Room map, as well as any other phased battle map. You absolutely do not have to stick to this encounter exactly - you can either use it as an inspiration... or use it exactly as is! It is entirely up to you if / how you'd want to play it!

You can find the master post for the Boss Room Phased Battle Map here.

The PDF version of this bad boy is attached below.

Oh and this is an entirely free release, available to anyone! I release tons of free content, including animated maps, encounters, and even occasionally Foundry modules. As such, if you like my work, and you are not yet a Patron, please consider supporting me

The only reason I am able to produce and release as much as I do is due to the generous support of my Patrons.



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