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Hi everyone!

I've been working on getting all of my currently available Foundry Map Pack modules into Moulinette, and I am happy to say they are all now uploaded to the cloud, ready for your use! We will also keep the DWW Moulinette cloud updated as we release more map packs for Foundry in the future.

What is Moulinette, you ask? Moulinette consists of several modules developed for Foundry Virtual Tabletop (FVTT) which facilitate assets management and help GMs create their scenes and campaigns.  Assets available on Moulinette Cloud can easily be browsed, searched and downloaded directly in Foundry VTT, without the need to install, update or host modules.

In order for you to be able to access my work via Moulinette, you need to be signed up to both my Platinum / Diamond tier AND Moulinette's Patreon ($2+ tiers).

If you would like to learn more about Moulinette, please check out the following links:


If you are not a Moulinette user, and you are signed up to my Platinum or Diamond Tiers, no worries, all of my map packs are still be available to you exactly the same as before!




So glad to have you on Moulinette Cloud! Your scenes are amazing !!!