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Hi Everyone!

Just posting a quick update and the release schedule for this month.

First, my schedule is still going to be a bit chaotic this month, since I will be working on some collabs for next month. So please excuse me if there is a day or two delay on releases.

Second, I've been meaning to post this a few days ago, but I haven't been feeling well for the last couple of days. I am feeling better now though, so I am back to work!

I haven't decided what the releases are going to be for the month yet, so please feel free to throw your ideas out! I am thinking more city-based releases - squares, gates, big epic buildings, like court houses etc. Thoughts?

September 12th - City Gate?

September 18th - TBD

September 24th - TBD

September 30th - TBD


Heiner de Wendt

Always take your time when you don't feel well! Hope your health bar is at 100% again quickly 😁 As for ideas: There are many "dream realm" maps out there, but you know what's missing? A Nightmare realm map... would love to see what you'd do with that! Another idea is having a "home" of a demon. You know, not a fortress, or a torture chamber, or anything. Doesn't even have to be a high-up demon. Maybe he/she/it tries to live a life resembling mortals, or is simply looking for coziness. But, well, it's still the demon version of a cozy home... 😉


Holy cow! I LOVE all of your ideas! Thank you!


Seedy taverns, back alleys, town squares. All useful maps - all places stuff kicks off where it's nice to have generic maps.