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Hi everyone!

I am very very happy to be posting this collaboration today! I am sure most of you are familiar with MusicD20, who created an awesome track to go with this map! I think he did an awesome job! Please check out MusicD20's Patreon and if you can, support the creator. He makes amazing soundtracks for your games, and the sub is very much worth it!

Music D20 have the ambient version of the song available to their Patrons. I love that the name of the track is "Be Whole Again", and if you reverse the order of the phased map, that's exactly what would happen. Of course, feel free to use it however you like, so maybe restoring the temple through magic or some sort of a ritual could be a cool way of doing it! 

All the free stuff is available at the bottom of this post (the music track from MusicD20, all 4 phased maps of the temple, as well as grid and no grid versions of all the maps).

Some of you may have recognized the name of this map, this is the interior map for the Cloud Temple I released recently.

And these are the rewards available to my Patrons:

Bronze Tier Patrons have access to the following rewards, in addition to the free variation (daytime that can be seen above):

Bronze Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-cloud-temple-interior-phased-bronze.zip

Silver Tier Patrons gain access to all Bronze Tier Rewards PLUS the following variations:

Silver Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-cloud-temple-interior-phased-silver.zip

Gem Tier Patrons gain access to both Silver and Bronze Tier Patron rewards.

Gem Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-cloud-temple-interior-phased-gem.zip

Sign up for this tier here.

Gold Tier Patrons have access to everything from the previous tiers PLUS commercial license to use my maps and art in your published adventures PLUS print resolution maps PLUS the following variations:

Gold Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-cloud-temple-phased-night-grid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-night-nogrid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-statue-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-statue-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-night-phased-print.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-print.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-print.zip | Be_Whole_Again.mp3 | dww-statue-temple-phased-print.zip

Sign up for this tier here.

Platinum VTT Tier Patrons gain everything from the previous tiers PLUS access to Foundry VTT and Shard Tabletop Map Packs. This is the latest pack that was released pre-configured for Shard and Foundry:

Platinum Tier Patrons can download their rewards for the Cloud Temple Interior here: dww-cloud-temple-phased-night-grid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-night-nogrid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-statue-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-statue-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-night-phased-print.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-print.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-print.zip | Be_Whole_Again.mp3 | dww-statue-temple-phased-print.zip

As well as the VTT Ready Packs found here.

Sign up for this tier here.

Diamond Tier Patrons gain access to everything from previous tiers, as well as my giant big huge thanks for supporting me! They also get to give me an Easter egg to include in my maps once a month XD.

Platinum Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-cloud-temple-phased-night-grid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-night-nogrid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-statue-temple-phased-grid.zip | dww-statue-temple-phased-nogrid.zip | dww-cloud-temple-night-phased-print.zip | dww-evil-temple-phased-print.zip | dww-cloud-temple-phased-print.zip | Be_Whole_Again.mp3 | dww-statue-temple-phased-print.zip

As well as the VTT Ready Packs found here.

Sign up for this tier here.

If you are not my Patron yet, and you like my work, please consider supporting me by becoming one. I have been on Patreon for 2 years, and went full time in September 2020. I consistently release 3-4 map packs a month that include lots of variations, sometimes assets, and even encounters. Sign up here.



Will Savino

Lovely working with you Domille! I hope folks dig the map and music combo!


Same here! It was wonderful working with you! The music is awesome, so there is at least half the mission accomplished XD.

Heiner de Wendt

Awesome, I love this! The exterior map is amazing already, I was thinking for a while now how to use it. Guess the answer is here😁 Also love the music, fantastic idea for a collaboration!


I am so glad that this helps you! May I ask how you think you might use it?