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Hi Everyone!

I wanted to post a quick update on things happening on my end... as there are a lot of them. 

Due to some things happening that are completely out of my control, we are forced to break our lease and move out of our current apartment in 2 weeks. Yeah... We have a place to move into thankfully.

Unfortunately, we had to make this decision fairly quickly, so not a lot of time to prepare. Considering that we really only have 2 weeks to pick up and move everything we have, my schedule is currently in chaos. I am still planning on having 4 large releases this month (hopefully)... I just don't think I will be able to stick to the release schedule this month due to all this happening. I apologize for the sporadic nature of the releases this month, next month we should be all settled in our new place though, so everything should get back to normal.

I am planning on releasing the Mount Doom inspired battle map tomorrow or the day after, and then go from there.



Please take care of your life and household, we will still be here when you get back. <3


I'm absolutely with Dungeon_Meowster. Take the time you need, we will wait and hope here for your return with glorious news and some fine stuff. ;)