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Hi Everybody!

This week I have a pretty big release for you all!

Firstly, this is the last installment of the Valley of the Dead King Battle Map Series. The final full map of the Valley of the Dead King looks like this:

You can check out the previous two map packs in this series here and here.

I also have 2 stat blocks to share with you (big thanks to my husband Maltus for making these):

All of the above can be downloaded for free below (the maps are available with grid and no grid)!

And here's what all the Patrons have access to:

Bronze Tier Patrons gain access to the following variations:

Bronze Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-valley-dea-king-forge-bronze.zip

Silver Tier Patrons receive all the rewards above PLUS the following rewards:

Silver Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-valley-dea-king-forge-silver.zip

Gem Tier Patrons gain access to both Silver and Bronze Tier Patron rewards.

Gem Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-valley-dea-king-forge-gem.zip

Sign up for this tier here.

Gold Tier Patrons receive everything that Bronze and Silver Tier do PLUS four more variations PLUS commercial rights to use my (non-collab) maps in their published adventures!

Gold Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-dead-king-valley-forge-print.zip | dww-valley-dea-king-forge-gold.zip

Sign up for the Gold tier here

Platinum Tier Patrons gain access to everything from Bronze, Silver, and Gold Tiers PLUS Foundry VTT and Shard Tabletop packs that are ready to be installed in your game with as little as a single click. The VTT packs for The Valley of the Dead King will be released next month, however, I currently have 2 VTT packs available for Foundry VTT, and 3 VTT packs for Shard Tabletop and they can be downloaded here and 2 more packs (both for Foundry and Shard) will be released at the end of this month.

I will also be releasing 2 more Foundry VTT and 2 more Shard Tabletop packs tomorrow, January 31 2021.

Platinum Tier Patrons can also download their rewards for The Valley of the Dead King here: dww-dead-king-valley-forge-print.zip | dww-valley-dea-king-forge-gold.zip

Sign up for the Platinum VTT tier here.

Diamond Tier Patrons also gain access to everything available in previous Tiers as well as my huge thanks for their support. They can also give me an easter egg to hide in one of my maps once a month :P.

Diamond Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-dead-king-valley-forge-print.zip | dww-valley-dea-king-forge-gold.zip

Sign up for the Diamond tier here.

If you are a Patron, thank you so much for your support! Times are hard and your support is going a long way for us!

If you are not my Patron yet, and you like my work, please consider supporting me by becoming one. I have been on Patreon for almost 2 years, and went full time in September 2020. I consistently release 3-4 map packs a month that include lots of variations, sometimes assets, encounters, and even multiple unique maps in a single release. Sign up here.



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