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Hi All!

I hope you all are doing well! This week I have another phased battle map for you! I hope you like it! I'd like to give big thanks to my husband, Maltus, who is always encouraging and supporting me in this endeavor. He also gives me some awesome ideas and feedback! I would also like to shout out Ori, Jelke, and Cze for helping me push through some of my creative blockages, encouraging me to keep working on this map, and providing some very valuable feedback. Please check out their Patreons by clicking the links - it is very much worth it! None of us grow and become better in a vacuum, and I am very fortunate to have met some amazing creators.

If you are not a Patron, the download for this map (all phases) is at the bottom of this post. If you are a Patron, thank you very much for your support! See your rewards below!

These maps are designed to work hand in hand with my Shadow of Cthulhu release, so I would highly recommend you check out that post as well!

Here's what all of the Patron Tiers receive with this release:

You receive all of the phased maps, both grid and no grid versions, and also the encounter supplement. 

All of the Bronze Tier Patrons can download their rewards here.

For your convenience, you can also download the Shadow of Cthulhu files for your tier rewards here: shadow-of-cthulhu-supplement.pdf | night-grid.zip | day-grid.zip | day-nogrid.zip | night-nogrid.zip

Silver Tier Patrons receive everything that Bronze Tier Patrons do with an addition of "Sky Islands" variation you can see below:

Silver Tier Patrons can download all the rewards for their tier here.

For your convenience, you can also download the Shadow of Cthulhu files for your tier rewards here: dww-old-god-awakening-assets.zip | night-grid.zip | storm-grid.zip | day-grid.zip | day-nogrid.zip | night-nogrid.zip | storm-nogrid.zip | shadow-of-cthulhu-supplement.pdf

In addition to Bronze and Silver rewards, the Gold tier also gets access to the "Ocean Islands" variation you can see below. They also get high resolution, print ready files, as well as a commercial license to use my non-collaboration maps in their own commercial adventures.

All Gold Tier Patrons can download their rewards for this release here: dww-far-realm-grid.zip | dww-far-realm-nogrid.zip | dww-far-realm-sky.zip | pull-of-cthulhu-supplement.pdf | dww-far-realm-water.zip | dww-far-realm-print.zip

For your convenience, you can also download the Shadow of Cthulhu files for your tier rewards here: dww-old-god-awakening-assets.zip | night-grid.zip | bloody-grid.zip | day-grid.zip | storm-grid.zip | bloody-nogrid.zip | day-nogrid.zip | night-nogrid.zip | bloody-print.zip | day-print.zip | storm-nogrid.zip | shadow-of-cthulhu-supplement.pdf | night-print.zip | storm.zip

If you are not currently a Patron, please consider becoming one. This Patreon is my full time job now, and your support will ensure that I am able to continue to provide cool content to our wonderful TTRPG community. For only $1/mo, you will immediately gain access to over 50 battle maps and various trinkets! 



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