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Hi everyone!

I hope you had a fun Halloween! I am, personally, really looking forward to the rest of the Holiday season. I am sure we all could use some joy in our lives these days. 

I also wanted to give you some updates for the upcoming month(s):

First, I am going to wait to post my release schedule for this month until after the US elections (Nov 3rd, but we probably won't know the results for at least a few days after). I am sure many of you know that these elections are going to be rather difficult, confusing, stressful, and there is a possibility of social unrest. Especially since I live in a blue city, in a red state, there is a small chance that whatever happens after the elections could affect me. And while the possibility of that happening is fairly small, I don't want to promise anything I may or may not be able to deliver until I am absolutely sure. I am still planning on 3-4 releases this month, I just need to figure out the timing.

Second, I am going to be taking a break from collabs for a while. While I love working with other creators, collaborations tend to throw a wrench into my schedule and cause a bit of chaos. This leads to me working crazy hours, often well into the night until 1 or 2 am, which then causes me to be too exhausted to do anything once the deadlines are met. My focus is to be able to deliver great content to you. A part of that means constant improvement of my skills. I love taking various courses and practice my craft, but I cannot do that if I am constantly exhausted and racing to meet tight deadlines.

Third, below is a poll to see what maps you would be more excited to see. I think that making a map inspired by The Gates of Argonath from Lord of the Rings would be really cool, but I'd be equally excited to make any of the options listed below. Let me know what you think! Oh and feel free to add any ideas you have in the comments.



Love your maps, especially the phased maps. Please keep it up!


They are all good ideas so I think you should go with what you're feeling inspired about.