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Hi All! 

Wanted to update you really quick on my release schedule for this month as well as to run a  poll for what you want to see coming out this month. I am also planning making at least one free Patron-only release this month, but I won't put a date on it, since I want to work on it whenever I have time between the official releases.

Update: Hi again, folks! I updated my release schedule below! Dormant Old God, and River Styx is on the menu! I also moved the release date for the next map by one day later (Sunday, Oct 18) - this is because this week I have to actually finish 2 maps instead of just one, because one of them is also due by Oct 17th for the Halloween collab coming out later this month.

Release Schedule:

October 10 - "Airship": this is not going to be your regular airship!

October 18 - Dormant Old God (Mountains)

October 24 - Halloween Collab Release (as usually, with collabs, I am not always in control of the release date, so give this +/- a few days).

October 31st - River Styx Crossing

As you can see there are still 2 spots for releases that I am still undecided about, so please help me figure out what you want to see. You can vote for more than one map. Also, if you have some ideas for maps that are not in the poll, please let me know in the comments!


Cecil Solomon

Voted for my two. But I can't really lose--all of the ideas are interesting.


Voted =) Im with Caeora, would love to see the far realm