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Hoo boy! 

If you are like me, this map will FREAK you out! Not going to lie... I may or may not have giggled all the way through making this map, simply because it was creeping me out through the whole process. I would hate to encounter this in one of my games lol, which only means this would be GREAT to put the fear of DM into your players... I might actually use this for my own next game that is coming this Thursday.

I have been reading lots of Lovecraft lately and it really inspired me to bring some of that fright into my maps. I also used to be a huge World of Warcraft player. I used to raid on a regular basis, and the phased boss fights were always my favorite and I've been wanting to bring something similar into D&D. I don't think I have ever encountered a phased battle map yet, and I am curious to see the reception of this one. What do you think about this concept? I am hoping this could add a lot of interest and dynamics into an otherwise standard, high level fight. And of course you don't have to use these maps phased, you can just pick any one of them and use just the one. Maybe there is just a large, inanimate statue underwater? Or maybe the simple ocean background would be handy for you too!

Needless to say, this can be a very deadly encounter. My Patrons have access to an encounter supplement that includes a guide for every phase of the map, as well as 2 stat blocks for a tentacle, as well as the Shadow's Hand. These stat blocks are D&D 5e compatible, although the phase guide is system agnostic. I also have to give my friend Grimore credit for helping me to come up with the abilities and stats for these stat blocks. It also happens to be that he has a website where he sells awesome 3-d printed minis (I just got mine today and they look AMAZING. Check my Twitter to see the pictures of them!)

Here is also a break down of what else is available for all the different Patrons.

Below you can find all 5 phases of this map, both grid and no grid versions!

If you are my Patron - thank you so much for your continued support! 

If you are not, please consider becoming one. For just $1/mo you will gain access to over 40 battle maps and various trinkets! 




Day-nogrid.zip 4 and 5 same image, 5 is the one with the hand?


they are similar, but not the same. on 4 Cthulhu is smaller and at a different angle, on 5 he is closer and clearer. The hand and the tendrils come as assets that are available to Silver tier and up.


i have silver sub, but i can't find the assets :s


Here you go: the post for your tier is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/shadow-of-phased-41923198 . On the bottom of that post are all of the downloads, including dww-old-god-awakening-assets.zip Please let me know if that makes sense!