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Hi everyone! Just wanted to post a few quick updates and a poll.

First, there are still at least 2 releases planned for the rest of the month, as per the release schedule. Everything is humming along and should be on time.

Second, I am planning on making at least one free release for you all before the end of the month as well, in addition to the official, full releases I mentioned above.

Third, an archive post will be coming before the end of the month as well. This will make it easier for you to find and download what you are looking for.

Fourth, we are currently working on launching my website! Big thanks goes out to my husband, Maltus, who is putting it all together <3. This will make it easier for future archival, blog posts, and just being a general hub for all thing DWW. I am also considering making some sort of a community content hub there as well. This probably won't happen this month, but should, hopefully, be on agenda for October.

Last, but not least, I want to ask you what kind of releases you prefer? I recently had more full releases that included lore, adventure suggestions, and adventure hooks. And while I absolutely LOVE creating things like that, they do take extra time, which means that the paid releases would be bigger, but there would be less free content (animated maps, simple maps that don't include variations, experimental maps). So I also want to make sure that's what you actually want to see. I don't think I will ever stop releasing lore, extra info, and adventure hooks completely, but I may lean more towards other things if that's what you folks would prefer. So, what would you like to see more from me? You can select more than one answer!


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