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Hi friends!

As promised, I am releasing my collab with the amazing Azzyfree, who is an awesome creator of tokens, lore, and other cool trinkets. Please check out her Patreon here 

Here is what you can find in this collab (download with all of the files available publicly is at the bottom of the post!)

1. Azzyfree's tokens  you can see above

2. 2 publicly available maps (Day time map for the Temple of the Serpent, and a night time map with glowing eyes - you can download both grid and non-grid versions of this map below) and all of these variations of the maps  below available per different tiers of my Patreon:

3. Lore and creature supplement that Azzyfree graciously wrote

Patrons, your rewards will be posted separately! Thank you so much for your support!




this has been another fantastic collab with you! Can't wait to do it again!