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Hi friends!

I don't have a map for you this week, but I did want to update you on about a million other things that are happening at the moment. Here we go... I will try to make it concise and to the point!

1. I started a community project called Tahlia's Tome of Tables. This will be a collection of rollable and reference tables for everything from cleric prayers, to general store inventories to pretty much anything else you can think of! So far we have about 20 contributors and 3 (including myself) project leads (Sam from World Forge Podcast, and Chris Hopper).

2. Through the Veil: Tales into Feywild book is in the finishing stages of production. We don't have a release date, but we are working on it!

3. I will possibly be on 3 panels at Pax South! This isn't guaranteed yet as it is not final, but we are working on nailing it all down! Follow me on Twitter for updates (and lots of other shenanigans) 

4. I am in the finishing (sort of) stages of wrapping up our Grinning Skull adventure module. I teamed up with Matthew and Tim Bannock, who wrote and edited the adventure. It has been play tested, and is in the layout stage now! This adventure module will feature my Skull Island map as well as a few others.

5. Underwater Adventure module - in the editing stage right now! We are moving closer to the layout! This adventure will feature my Underwater map as well as a few others (still need to create them).

6.  I am in the middle of a collab with Cze Peku! Can't disclose much about it, but boy am I excited!!!

7. We are in the beginning stages of creating potion cards - written by @GrimoireGrims  from Twitter and illustrated by me. Here is a quick sample: 

Melancholy Mouth - This sugary blue drink, often cut with mint to reduce the cloying sweetness, brightens your demeanor and sweetens your voice, granting a +2 bonus on Persuasion checks. It renders you naive and perilously trusting however, imparting a –4 penalty on your Insight checks. “My words are as sweet as Candy” Frugen Hildan Bard of Molcran. Duration 30 minutes

8. I am working on updating my DriveThruRPG and roll20 stores with all of the maps I currently have available!

9. I did not stream at all this week and that is mostly due to 2 reasons: I have not been feeling well as allergies have been kicking my butt and also my in-laws just moved 5 minutes away from us from another state. We've been helping them to get settled and just wanted to take a little time to hang out with them since we haven't seen them in over a year.

10. I will be back to my regular scheduling for streaming tomorrow! I will be working on a ship map! My Twitch stream is here - give me a follow if you want to see my map creation process :D

11. My commissions are currently open!

12. I hit 2k followers on Twitter! 

Thank you all for your support! As you can see, I am working on TONS of content and the only reason I can continue doing it is because of you and people like you who support my work!

And lastly, here's my cat Dory, watching her bird videos before bed.

Love you all! Stay tuned for lots and lots of TTRPG goodness coming your way!



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