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This is my first post on Patreon! Woohoo! 

A little about this map: I created it before I started my D&D 5E campaign last year. At that time I had no idea that I would eventually decide to start my own Patreon and actually give this whole making-maps-thing-for-a-living thing a try.

Here's a story hook I gave my own players: "You come across a strange hut in the middle of the woods. In it, you hear someone humming a song. You look into the window, and see not a man, but monkey humming to itself as it is making a cake."

I had my players meet this monkey man as he was making this cake. When they decided to taste the cake, they grew various extra parts of body on themselves. I had them roll 2d6. The first d6 determined what part of their body would be affected. The second d6 determined what body part would grow on the first one. The result can be quite humorous as you describe that their arm starts to itch just a little, but grows more intense with time. In a few minutes, they notice weird hair growing out of their shoulder. Few more minutes pass, lo and behold, there is a small extra head attached to their arm now. What will this head say? Will it be intelligent?

This is made with watercolors and digital post production (Photoshop). I am also attaching the grid version here, in case that's what you prefer.



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