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Hello again everyone! This poll is a long time coming...

Now that players have had the chance to play the game for a while and experience the "thematic paths" that are offered, I'm very curious to hear which are the most & least popular, and why!

Before voting: keep in mind that this question is specifically related to which path you prefer MOST: meaning if you like Lust & Pure, but the majority of choices you've made are "Pure," you should choose Pure below!

Important note about paths in Radiant: I've said this before, but I think it's appropriate to explain it again. While it is indeed possible to stick almost entirely to 1 of 3 paths, this is not recommended unless you're doing it purely for story or narrative reasons. In other words, if you are just curious to see what happens if you only ever make "Pure" choices, you're welcome to play that way! 

That said... the way I recommend playing the game for the greatest mixture of story & content is to simply make the choices that you want to make, or that feel right in the context of the situation! This game is designed to be flexible, and players will never be "punished" for not having maximum points in any of the three paths.

Purity: "Freedom from immorality or contamination."

The "Pure" MC is a true romantic: he's always thinking deeply about others, with little regard for himself. This means he puts the feelings of his lovers above his own desire for sexual gratification or release, and will sometimes pass on certain "sexual encounters" if he doesn't feel the girl in question is ready or willing.

Lust: "A strong or passionate desire; usually sexual."

The "Lust" MC is more morally gray: he cares about others and is a generally good person; he just cares a wee bit more about getting some ass. This means he will sometimes disregard the feelings of others for the sake of sexual gratification or release, and will rarely pass up the opportunity to have sex.

Darkness: "Wickedness, immorality or corruption."

The "Dark" MC is psychologically unstable, quick to anger, and completely sexually depraved... often to a point that is sadistic. While he tries to do right some of the time... he will more often show a complete disregard for the feelings of others, especially for the sake of his own sexual gratification, release, or amusement.


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