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Before you leave and become occupied with your families this holiday season, please enjoy this extra little gift from the dev team.

I know sometimes it's easy to forget the human behind these games and projects... but I assure you, Alorth and I are very much real people with real feelings who love our players and supporters. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for everything... and we hope your holidays are filled with great food, fond memories, and loved ones.

I feel like I don't say it enough so here it goes: I appreciate all of you more than words can express... both for our shared hobby and the support you give. Creating the games is a long and arduous journey, but it's one that I enjoy and would never take for granted. It wouldn't be anywhere near as fulfilling if not for each and every one of you.

So yeah. Merry Christmas, happy holiday, whether you're celebrating something or not I hope you enjoy the last few days of the year and look forward to continuing down this road with you all. Enjoy the Christmas wallpaper!




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