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I wanted to take this time to explain something that I just explained to someone in Discord. In the meantime, you're welcome to speculate as to what's going on in the image above!

I myself follow and support a lot of creators here on Patreon, so I know as well as anyone that it's common for devs to share previews and teasers like the one above pretty frequently. However, I personally am very anti-spoiler. I like to keep our cards close to our chest: I strongly dislike revealing new characters, sharing renders directly from the upcoming chapter, sharing new music or environments, showing the girls nude before they've gotten naked in-game, etc. 

This is not just me being prickly. In my mind, the less people know about the upcoming chapter, the better it is when they inevitably play it as they're more or less going in blind. 

Because of this, and without things to share, frequent or routine "progress reports" become a little dull and bland and I start to feel like a broken record who's just regurgitating more of the same thing ("We're working on it," "It's coming," etcetera), so I'll generally only post these when I have something major or truly worthwhile to say.

This can leave an element of doubt in players minds. I can definitely understand that and for those reasons I'm sorry. I don't want people to think we're not working or be anxious in between updates. I myself am very much a proactive person who spends almost every waking moment on these games... even if it probably doesn't seem like it. Without work, I'm bored and unmotivated, which is just a depressing feeling, so I almost always find ways to keep myself busy. 

So yeah, I guess what I'm saying is... we're absolutely working on it, and I'm sorry for not doing a better job of conveying this! I hope to one day be to a point where players simply know they can trust me... and I think after I release the massive (15k lines of code and counting) 5th chapter of Polarity... and the hefty/extremely entertaining 4th chapter of Radiant, people will maybe(?) start to see that. In the meantime, ty for the support!

Sir Dammned

P.S. Much like last year, I'll be sharing a ton of stuff throughout the month of December in the spirit of the holidays, so I hope you're looking forward to that!



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