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This time around I want to mix some of the "sexual" with the "wholesome" and see who wins the battle of lewd vs. story. 

This poll will contain spoilers if you haven't already played Chapter 3!

The question is simple: what was your "favorite" moment of Chapter 3? You can only choose one! The options are as follows...

1. The Natalie scene. This chapter we got to know Natalie on a much more intimate level, where it was made clear she sees much of her late son in us. We also got to see her half naked.

2. Gracie's dream sequence. We spent a "nice" (and fairly sexual) moment with Gracie. Sadly, it's not quite the same when it's in a dream... but it's Gracie!

3. Intimate/Romantic/Twisted Olivia bedroom scene. Hard to describe this one, as it can go one of three ways... but I'm referring to the scene where we visit our ward in her bedroom to discuss a certain kiss, only for things to get heated further.

4. Allison bedroom scene. Yeah... that one. The one where she not only allows us to feel her up, but also puts on a little striptease. Totally wholesome, though. Nothing sexual about it!

5. Maddison talk. Yeah, the shower scene will get its own category. For this one, I'm specifically referring to the long talk we have with Maddison while watching a movie.

6. Maddison shower scene. No description needed.

7. Rachel meeting. I'm referring to Glenn's wife sneaking her way into our vehicle (somehow), and our subsequent talk. I'm expecting this one to be low on your list... unless you're into mysterious MILFs.

8. Brooke home date. Get your mind out of the gutter! I'm referring to our wholesome/friendly/romantic "date" with Brooke. Yeah, BEFORE shit hits the fan! 

9. Brooke lewd scene. Some of you may not have gotten this scene, but for those that did... things get pretty heated! This is specifically referring to the kiss/blowjob.

10. Norah introduction. You could say she had a crushing entrance into the story.

11. Vanessa at the park. Players finally learned of the irony that was their first meeting with Vanessa... and anyone who witnessed this scene likely feels guilty for holding onto certain preconceived notions.

12. Road trip scene. While brief, this scene had some funny moments... and we also got to meet a cute store clerk who it's unlikely we've seen the last of.

13. Graveyard visit. Probably the saddest but most wholesome scene of the chapter.

14. Alita introduction. No description needed.

If your favorite scene wasn't listed, or if you simply can't choose just one, feel free to explain in the comments below!


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