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Hey everyone! 

As promised, here's the final progress report before the release of the much anticipated third chapter of Radiant! Also, I hope you don't mind a little preview from the latter half of the update. ;]

Now, let me just start by saying that I'm a little nervous posting this as I don't want to generate any hype or get hopes up in case something goes wrong and we end up releasing it a few days late. For that reason, I won't be giving any specific day or date, nor promising anything. However, in the interest of transparency, I'd like to deliver some good news:

Alorth and I are working extremely hard right now to hopefully deliver the update before the end of this month, and we're very close to achieving that goal. That means a June release is likely... and we're doing everything we can to get this thing in the hands of our patrons before the month is over!

To clarify, we still do have a few small hurdles to overcome, but we're currently working on the last few batches of renders & scenes, I've completed the vast majority of the scripts & code, and we're in the final stages/applying finishing touches. The worst case scenario is the chapter comes out early July instead of late June.

The thing about creating a project of this scale & scope, especially given the larger size of our updates and the production quality we aim to provide, is that sometimes unexpected events can hold us back or problems can occur. We're talking about a game where every chapter takes months to develop, and in those months there's a lot of challenges to overcome and extenuating circumstances that can occur. 

So please understand that if for some reason it ends up coming out a few days after the month ends, it was completely out of our control and we did/are doing everything we could to get it to you. We just want to make sure it's ready and relatively free of issues.

With all of that out of the way and everything cleared up, I hope we can all focus on the good news, which is that Radiant Chapter 3 is finally coming! It's on its way, and it's thanks to all of you. If it wasn't for your support, we'd have a much harder time working on this project and it's highly likely that it would take us even longer to make it than we already do... so thanks for sticking it out and helping us make this project possible.

I am beyond excited to give this new chapter to you, I had a ton of fun creating it, and I have a feeling you'll love it just as much as the first two. As always, our supporters here on Patreon will be our top priority and the first ones to get the game in their hands... in early-access as promised. Anyway, I'm done talking your ears off. The next time you hear from me, it will be with even better news, so stay tuned.




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