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While she may be the most controversial character in the game so far, there's no denying that Vanessa is cute, exotic, and has a nice body. 

Additionally, I can think of no better time than now to say a few words about her:

First, as the writer of the story... I can tell you that there's far more to her than meets the eye, a lot of mystery surrounding her, and there's a good reason why she's presented as "unlikeable" in her introduction. Yet I'm confident that, if given the chance, she will become one of the more well-loved characters as her arc progresses.

And if you absolutely cannot stand her... you have every right to feel that way, and luckily the game let's you tell her to fuck off. At the end of the day it's your choice... but I do recommend hearing her out first.

While I have you guys, just wanted to let everyone know Alorth and I are still steadily progressing on Chapter 3 with little trouble. It's a hell of a ride. There's a lot of wholesome moments spent with the main trio, plus a couple of new but very important faces entering the fold. I'll be posting another, more detailed progress report a little later on... but for now I just wanted to say thank you guys for being patient and giving us the time to polish and perfect this amazing story. We love you all.




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