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Oh man... what a crazy year it has been...

And while I know it has been rather traumatic for many... the future holds infinite possibilities for us all. Perhaps our challenges aren't quite over but we're one large step closer to embracing what's to come.

When I was in my early 20s... the world seemed pretty pointless. All I did was work, party, pay bills, play video games, and repeat... but I always made it a point to expect the unexpected & cling to optimism... and despite the various difficulties I've faced in the last decade there's been plenty of positive/happy memories and life-changing events to make up for them all.

My point is always look ahead... never backwards. No matter how bleak the world may seem or how far away the things we desire most... many have our entire lives ahead of us yet... and many memories to create and share with others. There's no need to feel pressured: as long as you always do what you can and be yourself, the world and the universe will not punish you. Don't stress yourself over petty worries like "am I doing enough," or "am I a good person," or what could've been... and most importantly do not stress over what you cannot control... because the only thing that matters is that you are trying.

I've been creating "video games" for just over a year now... and 2020 was no doubt a huge step forward for me in that department. I'm seriously looking forward to creating many long-lasting memories through my work on the games and creating more, better games well into the future. In the meantime keep your heads up and keep pushing forward. Let's make 2021 a hell of a year to remember.

Happy New Year!



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