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This is for new patrons, and most of all those who stuck around and supported us during the long stretch between Chapter 1 & 2.

In light of recent news that myself and Alorth are only in it for the money (sarcasm :P)... at least according to the people who get the game for free only to turn around and complain that were not catering to them, we decided to spend a little of our money to commission some game-art as a way of saying thank you to our game's loyal fans, supporters, and subscribers.

We spent a couple of months trying to find an artist who would do the game justice, and we think this one nailed it, so shout-out to Abrecent for doing such an amazing job.

Full disclosure: the first part of this is mostly just me kidding around, so don't take what I said too seriously there. We're very confident in what we do and don't take it seriously ourselves. This post is to say thank you to you guys, not to complain-about-complainers. As a great many of you know we were pretty overwhelmed with support after releasing our very first chapter, topping out at over 980 patrons at one point and many thousands of new fans & supporters of Radiant.

This gave us a tremendous sense of pride and satisfaction for what we'd created... and the amount of hype and anticipation surrounding the game meant we could do only one thing: make sure the second chapter lived up to expectations (and NO, I do NOT mean expectations of "how fast," it comes, or "how long" it will be). We wanted to strap in, look at what was already written for Ch2, and focus on quality.

So that's exactly what we did. We took everything that was written already and filled it out even more, which is a big part of the reason why I think the second chapter was close to two hours long despite only being around 750 renders (excluding animations, which required around 2000 renders). We then took said renders and filled them with detail and subtle nuances that you don't normally see. Alorth spent a lot of time on every single render you see.

If you pause and take in what's on the screen, you'll notice things that I still to this day have not personally found/seen, because Alorth is very sneaky and really put work into the subtle details. You'll also find lots of Easter Eggs: a shout-out to fallen devs, sneaky little mouse-girls lurking, Discord emoji references, references to a certain "totally unrelated" cartoon, and much more.

So yeah... we really wanted to do right by you guys: those of you who pay attention to the details and care about the little things rather than beating the table and demanding "gib content soon" like gluttonous buffoons! (Joking) Thanks a lot for sticking around with us and giving us the time of day. We're going to make sure that Chapter 3 comes to you all a little bit sooner than you're used to, but we're also going to avoid giving any details at all as for a release date. Your best bet is to just expect that it's going to take several long months, to give yourselves the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised if/when it comes sooner.

Love you guys, and we hope you enjoyed Chapter 2!



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