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Actually "Caprice, the Odd Rogue" sounds much better than "Random the Random Rogue" (this has sense in Spanish only: Random, La Aleatoria). :P

Interesting note, regarding the word "kinky". xD  Since it has two meanings, this becomes funny: First synonym: Odd. xD  Second synonym: Wavy. Also "frizzy" and "coiled", which is perfect to describe Random's hair. xD

Wavy is the hair of Random. But, despite the hair of Random has Bayonetta's powers, it's not just about her hair. In that case, we could use the word "kinky" instead, since it has the same meaning... And it also means "odd" and "pervert", which are Random's features. xD

"Wavy" is very close to "Microwave" and also "sounds" like some kind of strange music:


It reminds me of Polybius, and certainly that kind of fancy and futuristic music matches Random. There are futuristic crossovers in which she appears...

"The Wacky Wave"... Maybe... Wavy and Kinky have the same meaning... "The Kinky Wave"... Or maybe just "The Wave", although I would have to find an explanation for that title (as I did with the book I wrote, "The Beta Rays").  Wavy also can mean "cool" and "chill". xD

Synonyms of "wave":  Loop. Ripple. Kink. Crimp. Frizz. Coil. Undulation. (Undulation: Discarded. Too long). xD

Synonyms of "Ripple": Wavelet. Ruffle. xD I vote "Wavelet". xD I like the meaning of "Wavelet" as it's an "oscillation", like a tide, a ripple or a kink. It matches Random too since she's... well... Random. xD

Now, we have two selected words:

Caprice, which means "Randomness". xD

Wavelet, which can be a Random ripple that describes Random's personality. xD Ripple is a series of waves. xD

Proposals:  Caprice, the Odd Rogue. xD  The Random/Caprice Wavelet. xD  The (desirable/?) Ripple. xD

A synonym of "caprice" is also "fancy". xD  (Fancy as noun: When you like something and the faculty of imagination and something one supposes or imagines. Random tends to be considered a product of her victim's imagination)

"Ripple currents" are "undesirable" in physics, so:   Synonims of "desirable": Alluring. Appealing. Irresistible. Erotic. Fetching. Sexy. Hot. xD

Random is sexy, but not hot. She's actually pretty cold-hearted. <3 Random is alluring, yes. Her mask adds mystery to her, and her suit makes her irresistible, along with the fact her suit is able to change its design. <3 Random is erotic, yes. She's a succubus. <3

"Fetching" is a complex word. xD  Synonym as adjective: Attractive (repeating the meanings exposed above).

"To fetch" as verb:  To go for, then to bring back someone or something for someone else... This resembles the words "wavelet" and "ripple".

Synonyms: "to summon" (Random can be summoned in a spell or rite). "To escort" (Since Random is a mercenary, a bounty hunter and a dominatrix, this meaning also matches her. Random also can be companion for someone else). xD  

"To fetch" as verb: To cause interest or to delight in someone else (repeating the same meanings exposed above). So, yes, Random is fetching (putting together all meanings and implications). xD  

So, the proposals are:

Caprice/Random, The Odd Rogue. xD

The Caprice/Random Wavelet. xD

Caprice/Random, The Fetching Ripple. xD

Do you have a better idea? Or do you prefer the names I chose? If yes, which one?


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