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"The Microwave Radio-Frequencies" is a manga-like comic that appeared as a spin-off of "The Beta Rays", the first story I created. xD  

The first episode came to my mind in the year 1996 (I was 5 years old). But, then, I wasn't good enough at drawing yet, so I just could write down some "random" paragraphs about that first episode (as I had no idea about how to write a good story) in a notebook (yes, we Mexican still used paper in the 90's). I did the same with the rest of episodes until the year 2003 (age 12), when I decided taking the surviving texts (they all had an "accident" in which most of them were disappeared... by my parents) and all what I could remember about what I wrote in order to make it a comic. xD  

Why then? It's a long and curious story. Resuming, I decided to sell copies of my very first episodes plus new episodes I was creating as time went forward at my junior high school (explaining the Mexican educational system is hard, but: Elementary, 6 years. Junior high school or middle school, 3 years. High school, 3 years. College, 4 years or more) as result of a bet I won, where I proved being able to make better stories than the ones sold outside the school (I can't tell more details but yes, they were NSFW to some extent). Besides, during those ages anime and manga were sort of taboo in the backwards and conservative Mexican society, so that helped me to reach the financial success with my comic. So, it also was "my first job".

The last episode (The Last Stand) was the last one I made and I sold. That was in the year 2007. I have decided to start again using that episode as "pilot episode" (the way experimental episodes of new series are called on Mexican TV). xD  

However, that "first version" of the comic series was made with cheap materials and most of them was in black and white, and the original artwork got lost (rather, destroyed... by myself... as my family doesn't like my artwork nor my ideas) in the year 2007 (age 16), the year when I made the very last episode (it's actually a longer story, but I'll try to be as brief and concise as possible). All what I can say is that I regretted. :(  I had to wait until the year 2015 (age 24) to recover the memories of the original version I had made twelve years earlier. So, on my DA's profile (created in 2009), I decided to reintroduce the protagonist of "The Microwave Radio Frequencies". xD

Basically, "The Microwave Radio-Frequencies" is half a biography (the story about my real life) and half a novel (rather, a soap-opera converted to a manga-like comic). xD  What does mean "The Microwave Radio Frequencies" and why the name? It's a long a curious story. Resuming, since I already had named my masterpiece as "The Beta Rays" (an anime-like TV series, converted in a series of books), I had decided taking what the protagonist of the comic does, instead of a feature or the name of the protagonist, to name it. The protagonist is able to use radio frequencies (from radio, TV, Wi-Fi, cellphone, wireless telegraphs and many other more) to visit other places and even universes (real or fictional, which means almost any kind of crossover is possible) in order to accomplish missions or even to have fun.   

The protagonist of the story is me... and Rebekah, my Female Persona[lity]. In this story, Rebekah and I share the same male body, and we are able to swap places every time I wear the "magical" suit and the "magical" mask, able to enhance my own natural skills and abilities, and getting a "female" body, plus the ability to copy/steal others' super-powers. But when Rebekah takes the full control of the body we share, she doesn't go by Rebekah, but by "Random" instead.    

Why Random? Because nobody knows what she will do/make [with] you (this sounds better in Spanish, my native language; I'm doing my best to translate all this, so if the dialogues seem "elaborate" or "odd", that's the reason). Most of what she does depends on her mood most of times. xD

And since she also got the power to enter other universes, she's compatible with almost another story (it means she's available for almost any crossover). The suit she wears, which is able to change its form to lots of different modes, makes her able to use "love" as her main source of power, which means she knows what "fanservice" is. Also, as part of her suit, there is an "inner half-face mask" under her mask, which includes a defense mechanism that gets engaged every time she's in peril, making her immune to hypnosis, interrogatories, dissuasive techniques and that kind of things. xD

I must clarify that, after the 2007's "crackdown", I decided to write new chapters on the sly. I still do it. I still am adding more new content, so it's a very long story. xD

What does Random do for a living? She's a bounty hunter (and booty hunter too), a dominatrix, a martial artist, a pole dancer, a hypnotist, a witch, a private eye and, basically a self-taught mercenary, always looking for [mis]adventures that match her interests, whereas she also has to deal with me, the masculine counterpart who lives the normal life of a Mexican commoner... to some extent as Random's powers can't be transferred to her male counterpart... which is... me. She's neither good nor bad in a classical superhero's sense. She's simply... Random.

Now, after this way too long introduction, here you have the title page of the first episode I will post over here...

Now, direct to the point:

Given the actual context of quarantine around the world and the economical depression, derived from that situation, there was no commissions, and therefere, no W.I.P. was posted over here. I apologize. I know you patrons are investing your money in me, and being absent for so long might cause a disappointment or the retirement of your funds. :(

But, in exchange, I offer an alternative outlet: Re-making my comic (the original illustrations didn't survive), re-posting (W.I.P.'s over here first, and the finished pages on the Tapastic and the Webtoon) and adding more new episodes. I know these ones are hard times, and therefore you may not be interested in such a risky investment. You can retire your funds, if you want to. I woudn't be upset, anyways. But if you are willing to remain as patron, I promise you I won't disappoint you. I'm not Walt Disney, but I would do my best. :D

So, what do you think?
Give me your opinion on a comment. xD


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