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Here's the title page of "The Microwave Radio-Frequencies", a manga-like comic of me that could never exist.

(More information ↓)


As  you all know, I have split personality and my female personality,  Rebekah, is real. However, we both share a such a history that,  according to people's opinion (people that met and dealt with me,  Joshua, in the real life), it should be told whether in a book or in a  comic. So, the idea of a novel about my own life, but mixed with  fictional events, appeared in my own mind by first time in the year  1996, at age 5:


Alas,  when I was a little kid, the only language I was able to speak was  Spanish. And, despite I already could read and write properly (like an  adult), I had no way to write a book beyond writing down some scarce,  basic lines on common notebooks using a common pencil or, in the best  case, an ordinary ballpoint pen. Besides, I abandoned the project in the  year 1999 due to personal issues in my life (unlike "The Beta Rays",  all what I have to re-build "The Microwave Radio-Frequencies" are my own  memories, whose accurate dates are hard to remember).

But  I decided to rescue and continue the project in the year 2002, after a  series of weird events that made me to decide converting them in a  comic. Then, I was 11 years old (winter). But I suddenly realized that  making lots of drawings would be too slow and ever counterproductive,  compared with making a simple text with some illustrations. So, "The  Microwave Radio-Frequencies" started to grow up and develop as text,  like any novel from then on and until the year 2007.

On  the Spring of the year 2006, when I was enjoying the highest peak of  development of my drawing technique and, therefore, the money I earned  selling erotica written and drawn by myself (home-made, amateur comics; a  secret project of me executed on the sly) at the junior high school  (2003-2006, ages 12-15), I decided to convert "The Microwave  Radio-Frequencies" to a comic (since I have never seen a real Japanese  manga in my life, I decided to take the American comic as basis). Alas, a  series of unfortunate events in the rest of the year 2006 and the whole  year 2007 delayed the development of the project and I could never was  able to sell any comic of this, so before being forced to get rid of all  my artwork on Autumn 2007 (age 16), I had drawn about 700 pages and  about 20 (probably 21) title pages using ballpoint pens only (using the  linear hatching and the cross-hatching shading techniques). The one you  are watching here was the very last one.

On  this drawing, you can see Random, Rebekah's alter ego, getting ready to  her "Last Stand", which happened in a comic-con. But not for fighting  against cosplayers or something like that, but rather to join the  comic-con as one of them... as Rebekah (trap mode), not as Random.  Exposing herself that way, without the mask that warranties her female  appearance and voice, will give her enemies to take an advantage...

The  drawing shows Random stretching her fishnet stocking (before taking it  off) inside a room where you can change your clothes, and that's why  there is a mirror alongside her.

The  episode of this title page would be about the reason which Random and  Rebekah together get retired, letting Joshua (me) alone. A betrayal from  someone that both Joshua and Rebekah used to love and the "sudden"  arrival of old enemies from the junior high school that realized about  Rebekah/Random's secret (Rebekah lives inside a male body, and Random is  her alter ego) that caused the worst defeat that Random had ever at  just age 16. A defeat she would never forget (and me either, as this is  based on something that happened in my real life).

Returning  to the main theme, if you watch carefully the drawing, you will notice  this is a remake. Yes, I rebuilt by heart something that I already had  drawn in the year 2007 (on Summer, just before losing my drawing  skills). The original drawing was much better (at that point of my  lifetime I already was able to draw in a much more realistic and  dramatic way). That drawing wasn't originally thought to be used as a  comic's title page, but it rather depicted just a sort of "thing I  wanted to do" (my last crossplay at a comic-con, at age 16). Alas, since  my family (specially my own mother) hates that I draw and I write and  they hate all what I draw, I had to destroy, give away or sell all the  drawings I had gotten to keep with me after the "2006 's little civil  war" in my hometown in order to preserve my secret life and that's how  the original drawing passed away. The project "Microwave  Radio-Frequencies" was abandoned again.

Later,  in the year 2013 (on Spring, age 21), along with "The Beta Rays", I  decided to rescue and continue again "The Microwave Radio-Frequencies"  as text again, starting from "Random's Last Stand" in the year 2007.  That's how I could overcome what I lived in that age. And this time I  added a new feature: Cross-overs. Cross-overs with any other character  from any other world/universe/multiverse.

Now,  after 12 years of that embarrassing, disgraceful event I had to face, I  decided to share with you all the remake of this drawing, made entirely  with a single ballpoint pen.

By  the way, if you want me to convert all "The Microwave  Radio-Frequencies" in a manga-like comic that you surely will enjoy a  lot (and also helping me to overcome bankruptcy and putting some food on  my table), become my Patron on the Patreon:


You can become a Patron of me with just one American dollar!!

I won't disappoint you. I promise you!
(Sorry for this advertisement, but I'm fed up of making drawings for free)



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