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I'm recently going through a lot of things, professionally speaking and not. Working on commissions for some clients, and authors is taking me a bit more time than expected... as always I overestimate myself in these situations...
I would love to make everyone happy, but sometimes I should just accept the fact that I'm only human (after all).
Recently I had to face a small surgery that will take me some days for the recovery, it's nothing frightening don't worry. 

Having said that, I just want to ask you a little bit of patience, and in return I assure you that when I will come back to produce content for the patreon you will see the best works ever! I must thank everyone that will stick to supporting this page even during these times, I love you all <3

Don't forget to join the discord server if you want to keep in touch with me and everyone else of the Jaco's crew! 


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