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Clayman STFU bro



Please watch the movie and OVA's :)




One of the main reasons of why Shion was able to beat Clayman is because she was the perfect counter to him. Since she was revived, she received the unique skill called "Perfect Memory", which grants the user high resistance against mind and soul attacks, which is what Clayman specializes in. Had it been any other of Rimuru's subordinate, things could have taken a different turn. Fun fact: the reason Milim was able to keep a straight face all this time was because she put a raw pepper under her tongue, which she hates


All those resurrected in Tempest have the same Skill. It is why they were all organized into the Yomigaeri troop (which you see in the Tempest army assembly wearing black).


So, Veldora arriving at Walpurgis is the flip side of Rimuru's Summon Veldora subskill..... Shion is one of the strongest in Tempest, yes. She fights in a style that is mainly dependent on physical strength. Her Skills emphasize success despite logic, or even reality, and uses emotion as a force. She is very direct in her attack, completely without subtlety...... Clayman does not upgrade to True Demon Lord. Words of the World grants him a partial and temporary upgrade fueled by the souls he already has, but it doesn't enable the full evolution. This is because of Clayman's strong desire...... Guy knew all along that Milim could not be controlled by the likes of Clayman, which is why he didn't interfere with her helping Clayman in the fight. She was that much stronger than Clayman.

Daniel Meissner

I think one of the best things about these reveals that Carrion was Lion Mask and Milim was never under control is that TECHNICALLY Rimuru knew all along. Because Raphael is a skill of Rimuru's, everything Raphael knows, Rimuru knows. HOWEVER, the catch is: he has to actually listen to the skill in order to consciously know the information. And as we see in this episode, Rimuru has a bad habit of not listening to his skill. These events should serve as a lesson for Rimuru to always listen to Raphael. She makes up the majority of his intelligence and information gathering after all.


I hadn't thought of it that way but it is an extension of things I have said before. I occasionally see people try to say that Rimuru does very little, and his intelligence, even his success is due to Raphael. Raphael is a Skill, fused to his soul, and born out of his deepest desires. It is him. At the beginning the Skill only responds when spoken to, which means Rimuru has to ask the right questions. Rimuru is responsible for his interactions with others, the decisions, and the plans. If you look at the two as separate, Rimuru can't calculate probabilities, memorize enormous quantities of data and recall it on demand, or completely analyze complicated situations spells, Skills, or substances. But All of Creation, a subskill of Raphael requires Rimuru to understand a phenomenon or concept first before a full analysis can be done (by Raphael). That's despite the grandiose-sounding name.