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I'm sorry Shuna I wasn't familiar with your game







Shuna is not overwhelmingly strong like her brother or Shion, so she goaded Adalmann into using that spell (the strongest one-person cast holy magic spell), so she could use its power for her spell. Her Skills are analysis of magic and creation of new magic spells..... Rimuru is accustomed to hiding his aura completely. He realized at this meeting that not the only way to throw people off. By only partially hiding or fluctuating their auras, they confuse the enemy. In the LN, there is also a battle of Skills going on of Unique vs Ultimate Skills. In this battle, a person with an Ultimate Skill will be successful in analyzing the power level of a person with a Unique Skill. If you're unsuccessful it means they have a higher-level Skill. The person being probed will figure out a few things too. They will be able to tell if the probe comes from an Ultimate Skill, if they have one too. In probing the others he realized that some of them will be able to tell if he has an Ultimate Skill. This, he realized, needs to be a strategic secret. So that's when he decides that to mitigate the damage, he would only reveal one. Btw, having an Ultimate Skill is a bigger indicator of strength than pure power levels. Which is why Guy said in his meeting with Leon that if Rimuru could lift the seal on Veldora, then his power must be on a par with theirs. Meaning, he has to have an Ultimate Skill (because the seal was created using one).


Bro has learned japanese subconsciously by the way you were calling out all of the lines before they happened lol!


in the original novel, i always pictured adalman as a large ghost with a skull core, i have no idea why, but it made such a large ammount of sense to me with how he was written, but being more like the one piece guy also fits him very well


So the movie is Both canon and not, if I remember correctly, there was a few months gap between rimuru becoming demon lord and the Hinata rematch happens So this could happen in between that timeframe and this is basically slime diaries where it's canon it's just not shown in the main story, but I definitely would say it's worth the watch


Please watch the movie and the 3 new episodes which are a flash back

Elumesia Elure

Guy's name is pronounced as "Ghee". The reason it's spelled "Guy" is because it's the French spelling of his name.


Hey Guys, it should be ok to let the opening credits roll now. No real spoilers are in it, and it's based on Rimuru's drip walk going to Walpurgis at the start of the episode.

Jordan Odle

Quick tip ALL of them are hiding there power back rimuru is just sensing what they are allowing him and the others to see which should inform you how powerful they truly are


Not sure if ya'll have realized, but coming next April, for the first time.....we get both Shion AND Darkness in the same season!!! 😍😁

OmegaAlpha 83

Do they normally take week breaks from uploading?


Except maybe the target Darkness is trying to hit with her sword! 🤣