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Bogdan Khorkov

Btw I don't know if you guys have time or are interested but you could also maybe sometimes do gameplay video if you into games. There are a lot of cool games that are basically like movies so I think people would like that


I've always liked the Hordy reveal because it is exactly what Otohime was trying to fight against. She didn't want the violence or hatred to be put into the minds of children. Hordy's hatred is just because other people hated humans. He had no personal reason for it. It works with the themes of the arc and never ending cycle of hatred.


agree with @mickfoley, the reveal is a ahrd contrast to people like Nami and Koala and other children. I too hyped myself at first when i watched it thinking it was something else, but the nothing just makes so much sense. The arc's biggest issue IMO is just the pacing, despite having a not so great villain, the pacing makes it brutal, but at least we are getting close to finishing the slow part !


Hody isnt great villian by any stretch but he is doing what he was written to do. Oda didnt make him to be super amazing. He just fits in the theme he inteded for this arc. Also as was said this arc is setup for new world as such his point is to be super weak for Straw Hats now. In his base form he might not be different from Arlong.

Cloud Kitsune

We saw a clip of Hordy and his friends as kids, looking with wonder at the same theme park Camie wanted to go to, and they were just like everyone else... but I think the difference is, they felt pride in Arlong's ideals against humans, to the point of wanting the same bloodshed against them as Arlong openly displayed. Even younger Jinbei was a lot more violent towards humans until Koala... So really, their hatred against humans is just hateful idealization. Hordy is truly a terrible person, inside and out. =/ But as a villain? He is pretty dang weak. His purpose in this arc fits well, but compared to the other villains we've met, he's the weakest link. XD But, that's what he is. A puny-nobody who thinks he's tough shit. Kinda like Don Kreig, really.


I have always found it funny he boasts how he will kill or enslave humans, he would be one shot probably once he came out of water in Sabaody.

Cloud Kitsune

Exactly. XD Don Kreig kept praising himself as being the strongest man of the East Blue, but as soon as he left that sea, he was proven just how weak he truly was. I wouldn't be surprised if Hordy met the same fate if he did successfully leave the deep depths of the sea.


Even though the execution is meh, I like the idea of Hordy and the "nothing"-reveal. A villain with unjustified racism and blind hatred, brought up by a racist society and a cycle of violence, is a cool concept in of itself. As Otohime said: "the children are watching". We have to be better, so that our children can be better. Otherwise they become empty and hateful like Hordy


Hordy is so lame that his "shocking reveal" is lame af


Yes. *Conceptually,* Hordy is a great villain. He is the culmination of Fisher Tiger and Otohime's fears, that hatred feeds on itself and ultimately creates monsters who cannot see past their prejudice. But narratively, Hordy and his crew needed to be punching bags for the levelled-up Strawhats. And pacing-wise, the arc is all over the place. The "reveal" itself was far to dragged out, and the wording "I know who Hordy is" or "I have found out his true identity" is just misleading. Also, because Hordy's hatred is just an empty force of destruction without substance, it lacks structure and his plan keeps changing, making him appear even more ridiculous. So a lot of great ideas, but a lackluster execution.


That is also one of the reason why Arlong seems so much better than Hordy. We didn't know the heights of powers humans could reach back in Arlong Park. So when the scary, mom-killing shark man says he will enslave all humans, it feels believeable. Post Marine Ford, however, Hordy only sounds like a clown, a frog at the bottom of a well... I mean, he's litterally a fish at the bottom of a hole. (Also, Arlong was cunning enough to put his prejudice aside to work with humans to further his agenda. Hordy would have never thought of bribing the Marine. In fact, his whole plan was to attack Marie Joy FIRST during the Revelry. Genius plan. Absolutely flawless.)


Yeah, definitely agreed. I also think the theme of the arc falls flat in that only the fishmen confront their own racism. It's really great that they like the strawhats and are now willing to get to know humans better, but that is completely useless if the humans are still seeing them as fish or taking them as slaves. Like, you can't make a Story about cycle of violence and hatred, but only one side of the conflict changes itself. The shandians and skypeians can only now live together because they both are willing to change and compromise. Here we don't have that and it makes the arc solution seem far more temporary and shallow.