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The Kelvin Gwent Arc we all need to see


Not Prez "Bite his schlong" lmfao I'm dead


Sometimes I don't realise what I say so when you guys point it out I think...surely I didn't...


The out of pocket remarks are a feature of the tgl patreon membership


I was so happy to see your guys' reaction to Amber already knowing about Mark's secret. Imo, she's a bitch lol


I completely understand amber. I'm not saying she "had a right to know", but Mark did not handle it well. And being a superhero is not a good reason to be with someone. I wouldn't want my partner to be a superhero 😂 and people can only be lied to so many times before there is no more trust


I agree, but she just seemed entitled about know. Not only that, but Mark has a legacy to live up to (at least at that point in time).

Bogdan Khorkov

Him calling his wife a pet makes complete sense. He lives for thousands of years and humans less than a hundred, in comparison a human is like a mosquito or a bee for us. Marks mom is just a bee that he really likes and lives with him but its still a bee

Stephen Rockford

My issue is her in the last couple episodes being an ass to mark when she knew that he was right there being invincible

Stephen Rockford

I refuse to accept Prez’s Battle Beast slander

Dan F

I've been playing Mortal Kombat 1 with Omni-Man and I wish they added a 3rd fatality with him punching through someone and chopping them with the other arm like he did here