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Basically the things Dosun says after he talks are the onomatopoeia of hammer hitting something at various levels of strength. When he was sad it was a weaker sound effect in the Viz manga they translated it as tink then when he bursts out of the chains he says kapow. Oda loves weird word jokes that don't tend to translate well.


Did you know that Oda took inspiration from Spongebob when making the sea bear then it bridged into a group of sea beasts? Source - Trust me bro I'm not making it up


I'm from Oregon, USA. It's rainy


That "fight" between Jinbei and Luffy is just annoyingly dragged on. I bet the animation studio just wanted to show a bit of Luffy in every episode so that... I don't know... people don't forget who he is?


That was the only "fight" or scene that we genuinely started hating more with each episode

Cloud Kitsune

Arc's message; don't be racist or take drugs. XD