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Sorry didn't get a chance to edit this until now 



Y'all don't need to apologize for your GOAT content. Just stay happy and healthy 😁


Book 3 isn't shorter, it's actually 1 episode longer. Netflix just condenses some episodes into one for some reason.

Brock Percle

Wasn’t expecting this today, LFG

Cloud Kitsune

Looking forward to Book 3 as well, and no worries about delays~! Take all the time you need. =3


I've always loved the symbolism at the end of this episode of the glider catching on fire. It's visually introducing us to this new book, the Book of Fire. This is the season where everything we've experienced and learned comes together. It has such a serious tone, every episode from here on out is a banger. Welcome to the last season of Avatar (and quite possibly the best).


One detail with Hakoda is that when he left Sokka and Katara, the fire nation raided the village a few years later and killed their mother. So Katara probably was also mad that their dad wasn't there to protect them, even if it wasn't actually his fault


Book two was great. and the best thing: book three is even better. this is one of the rare shows that just keep on improving and improving


Treasure Planet IS underrated


Also, you are 100% correct, the island that Aang landed on is the crescent shaped island that used to hold Roku’s temple, until his spirit destroyed it back in Book 1. The volcanic landmass is all that’s left.

Eli Gamarra

Mark Hamill is so good as Ozai


Azula looks so fine in her jammies. Shame we never get to see Ty Lee in hers.