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RIP Jet ❤️


Yeah If I'm not mistaken, Jet kinda died which was a weird thing first watching it cause there was no solid conformation but we take it how it is because of what Toph said.

Fabbrizio Plays

Jet is dead. It's not a spoiler because it's not outright stated in the show, but the creators confirmed that this was him dying, and Nickelodeon just wouldn't let them show a child dying explicitly.

Mustafa Amoudi

eps 19 and 20 are a two prater and, should prolly be watched together. the reason some eps are put together are based on the dates they aired on tv. It basically means they both aired on tv the same day


Ah I guess that makes sense but also takes away from something that could hit harder


We'll defo watch them together but in terms of videos might still split into the separate ones (they'll drop on here back to back obviously)

Cloud Kitsune

This episode always gets me, mostly because it was very good but also... you start to like Jet here, 'cause he's a literal victim in all this Ba Sing Se propaganda. And the fact that he technically canonically died here... Woof!


I still didn't like him. Should've thought twice before he put the moves on MY Katara.