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After finding out about Mako this episode really hurts



Mako (Makoto Iwamatsu) was the voice actor of uncle Iroh, who died during the airing of book 2.

Phillip Barth

As the other commenter said, Mako was the original voice actor of uncle Iroh, who died of cancer during the making of the show. There is several articles online which claim that the song "Leaves of the Vine" was the last thing he recoreded. Another theory I've read suggests that the drawing of Iroh's son is meant to look like a younger version of Mako the voice actor and I can kinda see that. Finally the new voice actor has tweeted out that he does not plan to ever sing the song, since he sees it as Mako's song and his memory.


Sokka casually winning a poetry battle shows again that he is the smartest one of the gaang :D