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Fate Reactions 7 uncut

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Just in time for dinner


Regarding archers broken phantasm, his weapons don't follow the same rules as other servants. In episode 0, lancer commented about how he had disarmed archer 27 times, and yet he kept summoning the same swords. Assassins noble phantasm is actually not an np, but a simple attack which doesn't require mana to activate (usually the more powerful the np, the bigger the mana drain will be). The illusion was saber's instincts. As explained later, the attack creates 3 sword strikes which exist at the same time, striking from different angles. Shirou didn't actually trip, but put his food at an angle and intentionally jumped backwards to avoid archer's attack.


Shirou says that “he can handle this himself”, not because he can, but rather he feels guilty for being there. He thinks that of archer stops protecting him, archer can go all out without any problems. Caladabolg is a famous sword wielded by the Celtic warrior, Fergus. But Archer is an Archer. Fergus would be a saber, since his fame comes from the sword. So Archer is borrowing it, but how? That’s up to you to find out later on


Ahh didn't realise that same rule applied to his phantasm, as for assassin that's just OP considering he doesn't need to recharge it


Love to mystery surrounding archer, one of our favourite bits from the story so far


Well, the abilities and what rules apply to them is of course a big part of the war, so not blaming you for that. Considering that we saw him using the sword/arrow again, I decided it should be safe to say that much, but let me know if it is too much of a spoiler.