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Just a quick thank you to anyone who has pledged themselves to the Patreon this means so damn much guys! Look forward to the early reactions and polls for future shows that you guys will be in charge on deciding



Least I could do to support you guys. I don't usually comment on the videos, so I thought I might as well do this instead, haha.


We appreciate this a lot! Hope you enjoy the early reactions from next week!

Cameron Jones

Hey, so what will the format be for the next few boruto episodes? Will you upload 63,64 and 65 together or will you be uploading 63+64 and then 65 by itself? Just wondering because it wouldn't make much sense if you uploaded 65 by itself


65 will actually be on its own since it feels like such a big deal it’s been hyped since episode 1 for us so we felt like it deserved that solo video plus adding it to 63-64 would’ve made the reaction way too long😂😅

Cameron Jones

Yeah that's true it would have been too much if you had 3 videos in 1. It is logical to upload 65 by itself, I hope episode 65 lives up to your expectations but I'm 99% sure it will.