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How we finding the start of S3 so far?



We're getting there. But even Episode 1 was a battle without a sword being drawn. This episode I considered brilliant in how they got the whole concept across of, who or what do we have to prepare ourselves for? In previous seasons, people made a lot of guesses as to who the mastermind is. The answer looks more like an onion being peeled, which by maintaining the mystery, makes the story even more interesting. I think out of all of Slime, this part of the story is the most political, so do not despair. This will not last forever. And do not forget, politics isn't the only thing being discussed. We also have, most notably, character interaction. Meetings are being handled in such a way as to dilute the most meeting-like aspects: they include humor and scenes away from the conference table.


Now what's going to happen when a fully laden wagon rolls a wheel over this thing sitting in the road? Gobta is screwed, not only is his training ramped up but now he's hauled off to principal Rimuru's office. Now our guys get a different cliffhanger, conferences.