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If it weren't for Rimuru, if he got free, who knows what Veldora would be out there doing. During the meeting between Guy and Leon last season, Velzard said that it has always seemed that his reason for living was rampaging. If you never saw Veldora's Journal episodes, you haven't seen that Veldora had been observing Rimuru all that time. (It's still mainly recap but there are a few interesting bits to glean from them.) In addition, Rimuru has been keeping Veldora from reacting on his instincts. And if you keep in mind that Veldora loses his memories every time he dies, and he did die a few times, he didn't learn a whole lot from his experiences in the past. Now that Rimuru is storing Veldora's memories for him in his soul via the Soul Corridor and his Ultimate Skill Veldora, there's little danger of that happening going forward. If Veldora had been left in that cave, and he did die after about 100 years, as he expected he would, we'd be dealing with a different wild Veldora. Now Veldora has become stronger and gained an Ultimate Skill. So Rimuru really saved him. Veldora really considers Rimuru an equal and a friend.


Also, you gotta remember from last episode that the king is now subservient to Diablo. He can't rebel if he wants to keep his soul. He isn't under control exactly. Diablo probably gave him information beforehand.