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Which start of the season did you prefer? Lizardman arc or Village arc?



I was about to go to bed but oh well TGL dropped so we watching it😂


Rubberdick lmfao im dead. Never read it like that before 😂


PEAK ... where tf is kurri? So much disrespect for the rubber duck :p And henceforth the adamantite group blue rose will be the girl band :p


I think the village arc is received better because it is a continuation of characters that we had seen throughout season 1 vs the lizardmen arc being used to expand the world but ultimately it just boiling down to a test for cocyots development

Nam Srikhammul

Will you guys react to the Shlime Movie or OVAs before the new season starts? ..


Damn Kelvin was quick to pick Nabe, i think the real question should be Nabe or the troll from episode 5 lol.


Wild Death Knights spawn when there is a large collection of the dead gathered, like battlefields so this one is not one of Ains' summons. 8:00 The Empire sparks a war at harvest against the Kingdom forcing the Kingdom to draft the commoners away from their harvests to fight against the Empires professional army. Taking the commoners away from the fields means the crops don't get fully harvested depleting the food reserves of the Kingdom and weakening the Kingdom. 20:41 What we need is a drinking contest between Imina and Aqua. The lizard arc might have more fighting than this seasons Carne village arc but the village laid some serious groundwork for this season and starting with this episode the second half will take off.




my payment didnt go through + i was asleep lol

Bryann Kam

Just to clarify, regarding the difference between Workers and regular Adventurers, essentially Adventurers are unionized because of the guild(s) whereas Workers are freelance and/or non-union because they aren't or are no longer affiliated with the guild(s). Also, regarding Fluder's (the old wizard's) experiment with the undead, it does make sense within the rules of the New World. Because it's a fact in this world that proximity to the undead does indeed create more undead, what they're trying to do is stimulate controlled reanimation as opposed to it occurring naturally. This usually comes about through the corpses having unfinished business, thus they become the undead by being reanimated by their complete disdain/hatred for the living. Also, the character that one of Fluder's students mentioned (Rigrit), is the old lady from season 2. The one that was talking with the Dragon and who gave Gazef the ring that he gave to Climb, which can allow its wearer to break past their normal level caps when activated. She's also a former member of the all-female Adamantite Adventurer group Blue Roses (the one with the vampire girl with the mask Evileye) and she along with Evileye, the Dragon, and Black Knight who was mentioned by the Swords of Darkness (the Adventurer party from back in season 1) were all members of the 13 Heroes, the group that defeated the Evil Deities 200 years ago as mentioned here in this episode. These aren't spoilers BTW, but hints, clues, and offhanded remarks that were mentioned and sprinkled throughout the story thus far. I should also mention that regarding the Evil Deities, a popular theory within the Overlord community is that they were either in-game enemy NPCs (such as random enemies that populated the map and/or dungeon bosses) that upon being Isekai'ed to this New World and gaining sentience, simply ran amuck or they were custom Player made NPCs (like the ones within Nazarick) that went mad and on a rampage from not having a master (i.e. Player) to serve when they were transported, unlike ours because they have Ainz.