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Part 2: The Knight of Friday

Jam and Meerina made their way down the street towards the hospital/prison building known as the "Cardplex", while on a mission to save Axel! Of course, this proved difficult after transforming themselves into anthropomorphic equines. Jam now being a mare with a fake pregnancy meant that she had a HUGE belly that was hard to manage while walking.

She had to walk with her legs far apart and her body hunched over, stumbling about as she tried to keep herself on two legs with the hefty weight that she was carrying. This was made doubly difficult by the fact that her feet were now hooves, something she clearly wasn't used to. She ended up tumbling over herself time and time again just on their walk there, prompting Meerina to suggest an alternative.

The stallion raised an eyebrow as he flexed his muscles, "How about I carry you?"

Jam grumbled as she held her big belly in her hoof-tipped fingers, "Thanks, but I can handle myself, love!"

Meerina winked, "T-True, but if I let you carry on like this, the story will be 5000 words long and it'll take us forever to get to the bulk of the narrative!"

Jam sighed, "Fine, go ahead!"

The stallion nodded and scooped the "pregnant" mare up in his muscular arms, holding her and squeezing her backside at the same time. The stallion snorted, blowing steam onto the face of his lover, "Ready to go, my love?"

Jam blushed, "Damn, Meerina, it's nice seeing you as the 'in charge' one for once! Sure, lover, carry me off to the hospital!"

The stallion gave a feint nod and carried the mare over to the hospital, which thankfully wasn't too far from where they currently were. Once outside the hospital, Meerina let Jam down as they approached the door. A Card-Knight standing outside the Cardplex greeted them.

He raised a sword made out of cards at them, "Halt, who goes there?!"

Meerina cleared his throat and patted Jam's belly, "My 'wife' is going into labor, she needs in right away!"

Jam nodded and rubbed her big belly in an attempt to sell the act, "Oh, yes! Oof, I need to get in there right away so I can have our child!"

The knight lowered his blade, "Very well, just be warned: There is no monkey business allowed in this building,"

Jam blushed nervously, "O-Of course, why would a pregnant mare cause monkey business?!"

The knight narrowed his eyes, "I don't know why, but it would be best you watch yourselves regardless!"

Jam gulped, "O-Of course!"

The knight lowered his blade and stepped aside, "Then come inside, may your child birth's be joyous!"

Meerina grabbed Jam by her arm and ran off with her into the building, "Got it, thanks!"

Once they left, the knight held up a playing card to his ear, "He's finally here..."

Once inside the building, Jam and Meerina marveled at its interior. It was gigantic and made out of playing cards, like everything else the lovers had come across in this universe. The sheer amount of cards was impressive, like a castle made out of a seemingly infinite number of them.

Jam whistled, "Damn, they sure know how to build a nice structure!"

Meerina looked at the cards and gasped, "J-Jam, I think they used people to build this!"

The mare snickered, "Of course they did, every building requires a building team!"

The stallion shook his head, "No, I mean they literally built this OUT OF PEOPLE!"

Jam's eyes widened as he looked down at the playing cards beneath her hooves, only to see the faces of various horses attached to them! The cards they were standing on were once living beings just like them. Jam balled her hand into a fist, "Those jerks won't get away with this!"

Jam's body then started to pulsate with a strange golden energy, causing Meerina to take notice, "J-Jam, calm down! You're glowing, be caref-" Before Meerina could finish, the glow from Jam intensified and let off a small explosion. This explosion reverted Jam and Meerina back to their original forms as a skinny monkey and fat meerkat respectively.

Jam's eyes opened wide in shock as he calmed himself down, the glow fading, "Sorry, looks like I blew our cover!"

Meerina gave Jam a reassuring pat on the back, "It's okay, Jam, you're still getting used to these powers! At least no one noticed us!"

As if on queue, the Card-Knights quickly spotted the pair and started approaching them. "Seize the simian and his bloated sidekick!" Shouted one of the knights.

Jam reached into his newly restored lab-coat pocket and pulled out a transformation gun, "Meerina, ready your magic! We're gonna fight our way to Axel's cell and save him!"

Meerina nodded and held up her hands, which started to pulsate with a magical purple energy, "G-Got it, Jam!"

The pair started running as Jam fired back at the knights with reckless abandon! One of his beams hit a knight and caused the cards making up his being to fall into a pile on the floor. Within seconds, the cards sprung back up and reformed themselves into the shape of a donkey! The card-donkey panicked and kicked his back legs around as the lovers continued to run away.

"Meerina, that's weird! I've never seen a guy fall apart like that and THEN reshape!"

"W-Well, they aren't normal beings! We don't know much about their physiology!"

The meerkat and monkey tried to not let that fact bother them as they fired blasts at the Card-Knights to transform them into various things. They turned them into badgers, hippos, and even pigs! Eventually though, they made it to the prison part of the Cardplex.

They had no clue where Axel was, but fortunately had managed to escape the knights that were chasing them. Jam breathed a sigh of relief, "Glad we lost those losers! Now, let me concentrate and sense Axel's energy..."

Jam closed his eyes to concentrate, only for a strange feeling to hit him and make him instantly open his eyes, "...No, that's impossible!"

Meerina panicked, "W-What is it, Jam?!"

"Looks like Axel isn't alone in his cell! Come, I know where it is now!"

The pair ran to a nearby cell and found Axel sitting inside in an orange jumpsuit and playing a harmonica, "Jam?! Meerina?! What are you two doing here?!"

Jam scratched at his butt and gave Axel the thumbs up, "We're here to save you, dorky dork-nerd!"

"But how did you two find me?"

"Well, a portal opened up and we heard you shouting for help on the other side!"

Axel looked at them confused, "Huh? I never yelled since I got here, nor did I open any portals!"

The monkey shrugged his shoulders, "If it wasn't you, then it must've been-"

"That's right! It was me..." Said the voice of someone at the back of the cell. A being then strode forward, revealing himself to be a 6 foot tall version of Jam! He wore an orange prison jumpsuit just like Axel, but also had a golden oriental-styled crown atop his head.

Meerina gasped, "T-Two Jams?!"

The smaller monkey shook his head, "No, more like two Monkey Kings! That's the guy I was cloned from!"

The larger monkey walked up to bars of the cell and finished what he was about to say, "...Sun Wukong, your real daddy!"

"Wait, I'm not your son! I was created by a pair of sentient computers using a strand of your hair, they made me in a lab. You had nothing to do with the conception!"

"True, but you were made from my DNA! If anything, I'm the closet thing to an actual dad you have!"

Jam sighed and relented, "Whatever! We can talk about this later, we have to get you and Axel out of that cell!"

Wukong nodded and took his index finger, pressing it against one of the bars. With just a simple flick of his finger, he tore the bars apart and send them flying 50 feet away. Wukong and Axel then stepped out of the cell. Jam grumbled, "Wait, you could've done that this entire time?!"

The Monkey King smiled bashfully, "Yep! But I had to wait for just the right time!"

"Why?" Asked the monkey, who's question was soon answered as a storm of cards entered the cell. The cards quickly formed into a Card-Knight, one larger and more imposing than the ones they had been facing already.

Wukong weakly held up his fists, "Run, it's 'The Knight of Friday'!"

Jam turned back to look at Wukong, "Who?!"

"He's the knight-captain of the Card-Knights, he's also the physical embodiment of any kind of swap: Body-swaps, gender-swaps, head-swaps! If you name it, he's swapped it!"

The Knight-Captain smiled as he crossed his arms, "Ah, how nice of the celebrity to give me a splendid introduction. To be fair though, I would expect no less from the 'Great Sage Equal To Heaven'!"

"Hey, Friday, what's the big idea kidnapping my friend and my kinda sorta dad?!" Shouted Jam as he pointed dramatically at the knight.

"Ah, so the Monkey King has offspring of sorts! And it's none other than the filthy joke monkey, 'Jam'!"

"Yes! Wait, how do you know my name?!"

"Let's just say that isn't the first time we've met, but I won't get into that right now. Regardless, I've been waiting for you! A mortal that treads both the godly and earthly realms, swapping bodies with anyone or anything he meets. Truly a bringer of chaos and an enemy of order, aren't you?"

Jam smirked as he put his hands behind his head, "Well, I don't mean to toot my own horn!"

The knight held his sword in front of the monkey's face, "Silence! Nothing I said was a compliment to you, chaos-bringer! My king has ordered that I carry out punishments on chaotic animals like yourself, and I know just the punishment to give you,"

The little monkey stuck his tongue out, "Do your worst!"

The knight-captain laughed, "Oh, I intend to!" He then proceeded to wave his sword in the air, causing a storm of cards to cover both him and the little monkey that stood in his way. Jam tried to reach for Meerina's hand, but it was too late as the cards that were covering both the monkey and knight disappeared with the duo in tow!

Meerina gasped, "H-He's gone! Mr. Wukong, we have to go after him,"

Wukong patted the meerkat on the head, "Don't worry, he'll get out of that easily! For now, let's get you two out of here!"

Axel scratched at his head, "Do you really think he'll be okay? Jam is a pretty reliable guy, but I don't know if he's cut out to be tangling with gods and monsters!"

The Monkey King laughed and smacked the human's back, "Like I said, he'll be fine! I fear more for us..."

Meerina gulped, "What do you mean?!"

Sun Wukong grabbed the duo by their arms and started pulling them towards the exit, "Let's just get out of here and hope you don't have to find out!"

Meanwhile, Jam found himself elsewhere! He was now inside what appeared to be a restaurant, one with wooden floors and a sign with an owl on it. The monkey looked around the place, "Wait, am I in Hooters?!"

He then heard clapping, prompting him to turn around and see Friday seated at one of the tables, "Correct you are, filthy simian! And guess who will be serving me?"

"What do you-" Before Jam could finish, the knight threw a playing card at Jam. The card was a "Joker", but not an ordinary one! It was imbued with mystical powers beyond the simian's understanding, for when it struck him, a bizarre change took place! Jam's body grew twice as high, his legs becoming more shapely as this happened. His hips grew to child-baring length, while his butt inflated like a pair of balloons!

HIs chest grew as well, sprouting a pair of large breasts in the process! The breasts were so big that they weight down on Jamy heavily, producing quite a bit of backpain in the process! Jam's lab-coat shrank and formed into a white top with the Hooters logo on it. He then felt a tugging in his crotch area, his male genitals completely disappearing and being replaced by their female equivalent!

Jam smirked and grabbed hold of "her" fat titties and began groping them, "Ha, if this was your idea of a punishment, then you failed! Don't you know I love turning into a hot babe?"

The knight smirked, "Oh, I am well aware. However, that wasn't your punishment at all!"

Jam pulled his hands away from her big, bouncy breasts and started squeezing her massive ass, " Well, what is it then? You gonna make me do a lap-dance for ya or something? You knights are so predictable!"

"Nothing so droll as a lap-dance, I assure you! Your punishment is that you must serve me!" The knight snapped his fingers, causing Jam to lose control of her body. Her hands fell to her sides as she stood up straight as a board, unable to fight off the knight's powers. She was forced to smile, her eyes twitching as she fought tooth and nail in an attempt to regain control of her body. It was all in vain as the knight laughed at her situation.

"What a lovely monkey-puppet! I think I'll have you serve me drinks and food until you break. After all, what is more of a punishment then forcing a hyperactive simian to be my waitress servant? Maybe after you break, you will see the folly of trying to defy me! Isn't that right, Jam, or should I say 'Jelly'?!"

"Jelly" tried to fire back, but her mouth remained stuck in its forced smile. She was then forced to walk to the kitchen to bring food for the knight, unable to fight his control. It truly was torture, being stripped of her own free will by a knight who doesn't value the lives of mortals in the least. Little did he know that he was poking a beehive, one that would lead to much misery and disgrace. What do I mean? Find out next time when a god awakens and the world ends...


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