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Author's Note: 1st Swapsmas story of the year, based off a pic I got from Maybile Candy that I'll post tomorrow!

Imagine being banished into an otherworldly dimension of unspeakable horrors, just for being yourself. This was the tortured existence that Pepe Le Pew the skunk and his fancy feline friend Penelope Pussycat were going through. Pepe had been banished to the void as "punishment" for him hitting on Penelope in older shorts, despite him always being properly punished for his actions.

As such, Pepe and the cat who loved him were trapped in this world of nothingness, at least until the devilish forces of hell otherwise known as "Warner Brothers Studios" allowed them to leave. That's what they thought, at least! As Pepe and Penelope drifted aimlessly through the blackened void, a red portal opened up in front of them.

"A portal, 'zis is our escape! Come, my love, let us escape this void!" Shouted the skunk.

"Meow!" The cat purred back as both her and Pepe started to "swim" through the void. They did breaststrokes while floating, which allowed them to propel themselves forward through the nonsensical dimension they were in. Once they had both reached the portal, they immediately dived in! They weren't sure where the portal would take them, but they knew anything was better than being in the void.

Once inside the portal, they found themselves being tossed around and spun as if they were in a washing machine! It was like being trapped in a tornado, making both Pepe and Penelope instantly regret their attempt to escape. The portal eventually spat the pair out in a strange place, somewhere they had never been before: A science lab!

Pepe stood up, right before helping his feline friend up as well. Pepe whistled as he looked around the strange lab, "Sacrebleu, what a strange place!"

Penelope looked around as well, glancing at a desk filled with Digimon merch. The pair were enamored by how many zany gadgets and props were about, only to be blindsided when they heard the sound of someone coming. Pepe stood in front of Penelope, in order to protect her from what was coming, "Don't worry, my love, I will protect you from whoever is coming around 'ze corner!"

The sound of someone approaching was getting closer, with the lovers quickly noticing that whatever was approaching them was walking on all fours! They collectively gulped, thinking they were about to be attacked by a feral beast... Only for a small monkey in a lab-coat to emerge from the hallway. "Heya!" Shouted the monkey as he waved at them.

Pepe looked at the monkey in confusion, "Are you 'ze owner of the facility?"

The monkey smiled and poked his tiny pink nose, "Yep, I'm the one and only 'Jam', monkey-scientist supreme and master of the lab! I brought you two here through my portal advice, though admittedly it took longer than I would've liked. I ended up eating some banana bread while I waited for you both!"

Pepe scratched at his head, "So it was you who rescued us from 'ze void?"

Jam nodded, "Yep, I opened the portal to free you both! WB has forsaken you both, casted you into the void, so I have brought you here for a very important reason..."

The skunk raised an eyebrow, "And that is?"

"...To swap bodies with me, of course!"

"Qu'est-ce que?"

"Yep, I brought you both here for a three-way body swap! And to appear in my stories from time to time,"

Pepe scratched at his funny chin, "Wouldn't this cause 'ze continuity issues?"

Jam winked and threw his arms around the shoulders of the cat and skunk, "Don't worry, Pepe, none of this is canon!"

"Oh, I see! Well, since you rescued us from 'ze void, I guess one little body-swap wouldn't hurt!"

Jam smirked as he beckoned the lovers forward, "Glad to know I have your support! Follow me, you two,"

The pair of black-and-white animals followed the monkey to a large metallic pod in the middle of the lab. Jam opened the door, revealing that it was conveniently large to house all three of them, "Alright, step inside, you two!"

Pepe stuck his skunk head inside the pod, "You sure 'zis is safe?"

Jam responded by kicking the skunk's fluffy backside, knocking him into the pod in the process, "Oh, relax! It's less painful than that kick to the rump I just gave you!"

Pepe sat up as he rubbed his sore backside, "I still feel 'zat was a bit uncalled for, monsieur!"

"Relax, you can get payback after the swap! Now, your turn, Penelope!"

The cat nodded and happily skipped into the pod, Jam following in right behind her. Once all three were in the pod, Jam shut the door and pressed the red button, "Now the fun begins!" The pod then powered on and quickly filled with green energy, which washed over the trio. The energy moved through all three of them and untensed their muscles as they went into trance. Their minds drifted (quite literally, I might add) as their eyes began to flutter.

Their minds and souls then entered into each other's bodies, all while their bodies continued to relax. After several minutes, the machine powered off and the pod opened up. It released a ton of smoke, which quickly filtered into the lab itself before dissipating. Pepe stumbled out of the pod first, feeling odd! He felt a bit smaller than before and his feet felt weird... Only for him to look down and realize he was now a monkey!

His luxurious black-and-white skunk fur had been replaced with a coat of shaggy brown monkey fur! It was incredibly itchy and smelly to the skunk, at least compared to his usual body. His foot-paws had been replaced with hand-feet, granting the former skunk far more dexterity. His once large and fluffy skunk's tail was now a prehensile and rather scrawny monkey's tail! Pepe scratched his hairless butt as he made happy chattering noises, "Hey, maybe this isn't so bad! Wait, where's my French accent?"

"Right here, monsieur!" Shouted Pepe's own voice from within the pod.

Pepe turned and saw his body sauntering towards him in a very feminine manner, complete with swinging hips and a sensual smile. The skunk smiled as he curled his long and very thick tail around the monkey, "You look dashing as 'ze monkey, Pepe!"

The skunk-turned-monkey blushed, "Oh, thanks, Penelope! And you look fine in my body!"

Penelope smirked as he put his hands on his hips and started twirling his waist around, "You think so, lover boy? Maybe you'll have to show me how 'zis body works in closer detail later!"

"Of course! Might I add, it's also great hearing you talk for the first time, even if it's in my body!"

"It is pretty great, isn't it? But speaking of my former inability to talk, what about 'ze monkey?"

If on queue, Jam sauntered out of the pod in Penelope's body. She quickly wasted no time in checking her new feline self out, starting with her chest. The cat had sizable breasts, which surprised her as Penelope was flat in the original shorts! She had long whiskers and a big fluffy tail with a long white stripe along it, similar to the one on Pepe's body.

Even more enticing than her tail or her breasts were her surprisingly wide hips! She smiled as she rubbed her cat paws against her large hips, "Meeeeeow!"

Penelope giggled as he watched his former body toy with himself, "Seems like she's enjoying herself! Not every day you get to wear a sexy cat bod,"

Pepe scratched at his fuzzy monkey head, "Must be tough being only able to communicate in cat purrs though!"

Penelope pressed a finger against the monkey's hairless chest, "You can say that again! You wouldn't believe how many times I've told you to get lost, monsieur! It always come out as 'meows', but I've gotten used to your advances over time!"

Pepe bashfully shrugged his shoulders, "Oh, sorry! I do get a bit too 'lovey-dovey' at times for my own good!"

Penelope playfully tugged on the simian's tail, "Don't worry about it! Now that we've been 'excised' from WB's canon, we can do whatever we want!"

Pepe raised an eyebrow, "Such as?"

Penelope pointed at Jam, "Play cat and skunk with 'ze former monkey, of course!"

Jam responded by playing clapping her paws together and purring playfully. Pepe also gave them the thumbs up, "Sure, that'd be fun to see from the outside for once!"

"Sweet, let's get to it then!" Shouted Penelope as he approached his former body. Using his new simian dexterity, Pepe climbed onto a nearby stool and grabbed a bag of popcorn seemingly out of nowhere. He began munching on it as he watched Penelope work his magic.

The skunk-turned-cat hopped up to the cat on all fours, before standing up and throwing his arm around her plentiful waist. He grabbed her hand with his own and pulled her close, staring longingly into her eyes, "You are quite beautiful, mademoiselle!"

"Purrrrr!" Said the cat while batting a paw at the skunk.

Pepe swallowed a handful of popcorn before shouting at the pair, "That's great, but make it a bit more lewd! Get a bit feisty, you're in the bodies of classic cartoon characters created back when they catered more to adults. Don't be afraid to get risque!"

"Ooh, sounds fun!" Shouted Penelope before closing her eyes and bending in for a kiss. Jam shrugged her shoulders before closing her eyes as well and kissing the skunk. As they smooched, Penelope reached down and squeezed the cat's plentiful backside. Jam blushed a bit at the attention her rear was getting, but otherwise didn't mind too much.

While this was going on, Jam's nose was assaulted by the skunk's stench. This didn't bother her too much as her usual monkey body smelled about the same! The pair continued to make out and be intimate with each other throughout the night, Pepe constantly watching as they did so. Things got super saucy, with a lot of sexual shenanigans between the pair! It got so lewd that I can't properly describe it in this kind of story, so there's only one way to end it, which is with...



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