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Author's Note: A short little sweet story I wrote to tide ya over. I'm mostly recovered from my flu, but there's a bit of it still around. So I wanted to put something quick and to the point based off a pic I got from Dez. I do apologize again for the lack of content and this being on the short side, so I hope to put out more soon to make up for it!

Everyone needs a break, whether they care to admit it or not. Sometimes we just need to look deep inside ourselves and decide what is best for both our bodies and minds. And sometimes swapping one's body can give the mind a good break, just like in today's story...

It was your typical work day at Hooters. The simian waitress, Jelly, was busy serving tables and making money. Things were a lot of tougher now than they were back Jelly was in her male monkey-scientist form as Jam. She didn't make as much now and her job was far more stressful! She just needed a break from it all, so she decided to see the head-chef once they were both on break.

As soon as it was break-time, Jelly entered the kitchen and walked over to the chef, her hips swaying and boobs jiggling with each step. The chef was none other than Grammeowster, the fat old cat from Monster Hunter! She wore a red headscarf, along with a yellow neck scarf. She also wore a thick green coat and apron. She was quite fat, yet still surprisingly fit for her age.

Her breasts were big, which were necessary for working at Hooters! Even if you worked in the back cooking food where no one could see you, you still needed fat titties! No one knows why Hooters has that rule, but it's probably because the manager was super horny that day.

Regardless, Grammeowster had just finished cooking up a magnificent stew in a large red pot as Jelly approached her. Her cat ears perked up from underneath her headscarf, "Do my squinting old eyes deceive me, or is that my favorite monkey lass before me?"

Jelly nodded, "Yep, it's me, Grammeowster! What'cha cooking up tonight?"

Grammeowster gave an earnest smile as she dipped her wooden spoon into the pot and filled it with pink liquid, right before pulling it out, "Some of my special 'Swapping Stew', m'dear!"

"Ooh, sounds fun! Who you gonna swap with?" Jelly asked with an eyebrow raised.

The cat giggled, "Well, I'd like to swap with you, if that's alright! It's been decades since I've had a young and spry body, even if I've kept mine in very good condition over the years,"'

The monkey nodded, "As long as it's temporary, then sure! Was curious how it feels to be a cute old grandma,"

"Don't worry, sweetie! It only lasts a day, trust me!"

Jelly winked, "Then sure, I'll give it a shot!"

The cat then winked back at the monkey, right before dipping a large wooden spoon into the concoction. After filling the spoon with pink liquid, she pulled it out of the pot. Jelly smiled as she grabbed a clean silver spoon from the dish rack and held it in front of Grammeowster's spoon. The cat obliged and poured a bit of the liquid into the monkey's spoon. "Bottoms up, dearie!" Said the cat with a giggle.

Jelly smirked and moved the spoon towards her lips, "Can do!"

The monkey and cat then drank from their spoons at the same time, Grammeowster only taking a sip while Jelly drank the entire contents of her spoon. After finishing her bit of the stew, she slid the now empty spoon into her plentiful cleavage as if it a utensil holder. Before Jelly could say or do anything further, the effects of the stew kicked in!

Both Jelly and Grammeowster felt dizzy, yet they remained standing. Their souls emerged from their bodies as arrow-shaped puffs of steam. The steamy soul arrows then entered the pot, leaving the two soulless bodies standing with their heads slumped down and their eyes glazed over. The two puffs of steam filtered around inside the pot for a bit, as if the concoction was working extra hard to make sure the spirits can take to their new forms.

After spinning around a bit inside the pot, the two steamy souls exited it and entered inside each other's bodies. Jelly and Grammeowster came to at the same time, quickly taking notice of how different they felt. Jelly felt much weaker and slower in Grammeowster's body, along with being quite shorter. She wore much more clothing than she was used to, including a heavy headscarf and thick neck-scarf. Still, the extra clothing made the new cat feel quite cozy!

She looked down at her cat paws and found that one of them was still clutching the spoon from earlier, making Jelly curious as to how one could be a chef with such stubby paws. Jelly found that her bones ached a bit, especially around the shoulder area. It was clear that the years had caught up with Grammeowster's body, though it thankfully wasn't too uncomfortable or painful for the former monkey.

Jelly looked down and noticed the chest of her new body, which was even larger than her previous one, "Damn, Gram-Gram, your body be packing!"

Grammeowster giggled as she inspected her new body as well, "Hey, your body's no slouch either!" The former grandma found herself inspecting Jelly's body, all while squinting her eyes and keeping them mostly closed. She still wasn't used to seeing through such young eyes again, so she tried not to push things!

Her body was at least twice the height it had been previously, complete with large hairless breasts and wide hips. Grammeowster felt much more spry and energetic, a feeling she much appreciated! As much as she loved her old and cozy former body, she much appreciated her temporarily restored youth.

"Oh wow, that swapping stew sure packs a punch! I feel so flabby and old, it'll be good to take a break from serving the patrons and be a chef for a bit!" Said the fat-cat while happily gripping her spoon.

The monkey curled her tail into the shape of a heart as she placed her hand behind her back, "Sure will, hun! And after my shift, I'll be sure to give you a nice massage for letting me use your body for a bit! I know my old bones could use that nice treatment!"

Jelly nodded, "Sure, have as much fun as you want!"

Grammeowster stretched her much limber legs around as she shook her fat tush back and forth, "Goodness, I haven't felt like this in years! You youngins keep getting better voluptuous bodies!"

Jelly giggled, "Of course! Time marches on and so does sexiness,"

"It sure does! Well, I better start on your- I mean, 'my' shift! After work, I'll be sure to give you that massage I promised!"

The cat nodded and started preparing other food for the restaurant's patrons, "Sounds good, 'Jelly'!"

With that, Grammeowster wandered off in Jelly's body to serve the customers, now in a younger and much more healthy body. Jelly worked in the back, cooking up food for her former body to serve! It was clear the pair had gotten used to their new forms quite well and were happy with their temporary swap. It just goes to show that anyone can use a new perspective!
