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Getting 8 hours of sleep a day is very important, especially when you're a monkey-scientist! You can't properly perform your science experiments without a good rest. Monkeys like Jam do their best sleeping outdoors, even in the sun! Today, our favorite monkey-scientist was maxing and relaxing, living his best life. He was sleeping on the grass in the middle of a field, not realizing something was watching him from afar.

This being was none other than the hippo known as Gloria, who had been following the monkey for weeks! Ever since Jam stole Gloria's body in a previous story and sat on her, she wanted revenge! She was going to sit on that monkey and flatten him this time, and he wouldn't even see her coming. The hippo walked towards the monkey, her fat jiggling with each step.

She giggled to herself in her sassy voice as she approached the slumbering simian, "This time he'll get his!"

Once in front of the monkey, she turned around and bent over. She stuck her ass in the air and prepared to sit on the monkey, until something stopped her. She randomly recalled her previous encounter with Jam and getting sat on by her own body, awakening something in her. For once, she had the desire to be sat on instead of doing the sitting herself!

While Gloria fought with herself in a desperate attempt to sit on the monkey, Jam awoke during this and stared at the pair of big grey butt-cheeks suspended above his head. They cast their shadow down upon the monkey, but he didn't care! He simply stood up and stared at the hippo's buns, "Nice butt, Gloria!"

The hippo snarled as she bared her cheeks at the monkey as if they were a deadly weapon, "Hey, lay back down so I can sit on you!"

"I would, but it feels like you don't actually want to do that!" The monkey said with a snicker.

Gloria stood up and turned around, Jam now fully able to see her body. The hippo was incredibly fat, even fatter than she had been when Jam swapped with her previously! Her skin was grey and her hands and feet were very small in comparison to the rest of her. Jam marveled at her big belly, which was easily twice the size of the tiny monkey.

Gloria grumbled and grabbed the monkey by his lab-coat and hoisted him up to eye-level, "Enough checking me out, it's time to get to sitting!"

Jam grinned mischievously, "Sure, I can sit on you again! Just give me your body and I'll make that happen for ya,"

The hippo blushed uncontrollably, "N-No, I'm the one sitting on you!"

"You sound like you're unsure,"

"I am plenty sure!"

"Then why are you blushing?"

Gloria's blushing intensified, making her once grey face completely red, "S-Shut up! The big shall sit on the small,"

"And you want to be 'the small', I take it?"

"Yes! I mean, no!"

Jam gave the hippo a wry smile as he narrowed his eyes at her, "You like getting sat on, don't you, Gloria?"

"N-No, I like sitting on people more!"

"Which implies you like being sat on to an extent right?"

The hippo held the monkey closer to her face, "Of course not!"

Jam raised an eyebrow, "Then why haven't you sat on me yet?"

Gloria dropped the monkey and hung her head in shame. She had been found out! The monkey read her like a book, much to her dismay, "It's just I... I do like being sat on,"

Jam nodded and patted the hippo on her flabby back, "See? Makes you feel better to admit it, doesn't it?"

The hippo sighed, "It does a little. It's just I'm supposed to sit on people, not the other way around! But  as soon as I was about to sit on you, I had this desire to want to be the person that got sat on!"

Jam gave her an earnest nod, "That makes sense! The siren call of booty can affect even those who have it!"

"Yeah, I can't fight the desire to be sat on my body! It's as if the last time you stole my body and sat on me, you also gave me a fetish,"

Jam proudly puffed out his hairless chest, "I've been known to do that!"

Gloria took a deep breath in and then exhaled, "Alright, swap bodies with me and then sit on me then!"

"I thought you'd never ask! How long do you want to swap for?"

"Forever, I just want to be sat on all the time!"

Jam smacked his forehead in surprise, "Wow, really?! Damn, getting sat on once really changed you. I'm afraid I can't give you my full body permanently, but I can let you keep everything from the neck down. After all, I've cloned a ton of headless backup monkey bodies,"

"Sweet! Yes, from now on I shall be sat on, instead of the other way around! So, how you gonna swap us?"

Jam smirked and leaped on to the hippo's back, before grabbing her head, "Well, I don't have my lab-coat or gadgets here, so we'll have to do this the old-fashioned way!"

Jam then tugged on the hippo's head, causing to seperate from its neck with a soft popping sound. Gloria's head was removed and placed in Jam's hand, still very much alive. The hippo panicked, "What the hell?!"

Jam snickered as he popped off his own head, "Relax, I do this all the time! Modularity is fun, ain't it?"

Jam's headless monkey body then popped the monkey's head onto the hippo's neck stump, causing it to grow larger to match its new body. The headless monkey body then put on the hippo's head, immediately making Gloria feel strange. She felt so miniscule and weak, just as she had the first time she swapped with Jam. Not only that, but the desire to be sat on had grown!

She gave a slight smile as she looked down at her tiny body. Her body covered in stringy and very smelly brown fur, which was common amongst all monkeys. She looked down at her feet, which were now a second pair of hands. She wiggled her new digits around awkwardly, "These will take getting used to!"

Jam was dealing with his new body much better, especially due to his his increased height and weight! He was over twice as tall as he normally was and with a level of fatness that would make Porky Pig jealous. Indeed, every part of Jam's new body was caked with fat. His belly was tremendously large, while his arms were flabby and bulbous. The most alluring aspect of his newfound fatness was his tremendously massive ass, which was Gloria's most recognizable trademark.

He had worn it before, but Jam can tell Gloria had packed the weight onto it since then! He smiled as he reached around and grabbed his fat, bulbous cheeks, smiling and wiggling around his stubby tail as he did so. As he gripped his soft yet firm ass, he took notice of how rough and coarse his grey skin now was. He could definitely tell he had the armored hide of a hippo! "This is great!" Shouted Jam as he happily squeezed his ass.

Gloria blushed, "Mind if you use it on me, 'Big Monkey'?"

Jam nodded and gave an evil grin, "No problem, 'Little Hippo!'"

Jam then sat his fat hippo ass down on the monkey, squishing her underneath 400 pounds of pure fat! Gloria's monkey body made it so she can withstand her own ass squishing her, though that didn't make it any less painful! However, it was strangely a mix of pleasure and pain, a strange euphoria she couldn't describe. Getting crushed by her own ass again confirmed her love for her own booty and gave her a new sense of purpose!

It was like being crushed by the softest and squishiest anvil one could imagine, Gloria could only smile while her face was buried within her former cheeks. While being squished, she reached up and squeezed a cheek. Jam smirked and looked back at the mostly squished monkey, "You seem to be holding up well, but time to apply the pressure!"

Jam then proceeded to put his full weight into his butt-squish, flattening Gloria even further. She was squished flatter than she ever thought possible! Her body became as flat as paper, losing any sense of its original shape in the process. When all and said and done, she was just a monkey pancake stuck to a hippo's bum. Jam smiled as he stood up, before reaching around and peeling Gloria off his butt like a sticker.

"Well, you got flattened quite well, let's just reinflate ya!" Jam then pressed his lips against Gloria's, before proceeding to blow air into the deflated hippo-headed monkey. Due to Jam now possessing Gloria's much stronger lungs, he was able to blow air into her much at an accelerated rate. Within mere seconds, Gloria was reinflated back to normal!

Jam smirked as he placed the monkey on the ground, "You enjoy that?"

Gloria nodded and giggled, "I sure did! It's so strange that I didn't enjoy this the first time. You think I would've had my 'awakening' last time,"

"Well, that's the thing about fetishes. You sometimes them get at random or may not even realize you have them!"

Gloria gave a feint nod, "Sounds good to me! I can't wait to get sat on all the time in this monkey body. Mind sitting on me agai?!"

Jam shook his now much larger head, "Sorry, best to indulge in a fetish in moderation, my friend! For now, I think we should just rest our new bods,"

The monkey-headed hippo then proceeded to lay on his back, sticking his fat belly out as he did so. Gloria shrugged her shoulders and leaped onto her former belly, before curling herself into a snug little ball, "If you say so!"

The pair then collectively fell asleep, just two adorable little head-swapped animals. The pair both got they wanted: Gloria got to indulge in a randomly awakened fetish, along with gaining a body that will allow her to do so repeatedly in the future. And Jam got a fat and very sexy female hippo body that he could add to his ever-growing collection of hot babe bods! It just goes to show that a good rest can lead to a lot of swappy fun.


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